Tag Lines And Logos Are Ways To Identify A Brand

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Tag lines and logos are ways to identify a brand

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Tag lines and logos are ways to identify a brand


Marketing and advertising serve the function of backbones for any business. From the start, where the hawkers used to call out their wares, marketing and advertising existed albeit in very crude forms. Now in the modern day, both these subjects have a whole science dedicated to them. No business can be successful without effective marketing and advertising.

All marketers agree that the best marketing practices include market scanning and effective media buying. Market scanning is constantly probing and researching the market for fulfilling any new needs and desires of the customers. Effective media buying dictates taking correct air time on Television to touch the selected target audience or placing hoardings and posters are specific points where they can be viewed by the organization's target audience.

Every product aspires to become a brand. Brands are what keep going long after any particular product finally dies. It becomes the symbol of trust and bond between the customer and the organization. This is the reason why it's branding i.e. logo design and taglines play an integral part in its creation.


Logos and taglines are the identification of any brand. There is a whole science attached to them nowadays. A few years back logo and taglines weren't deemed that important for advertising perspective but, it has been proven that these two features have a huge hand in making a product or breaking it.

Logo is simply, a word, letter, color or a symbol that is associated with a specific brand. Taglines act as heralds, calling out the nature of the product for the consumers.

Graphic Designers, Logo makers, Visualizers, copy-writers and many more are hired by organizations just to create the perfect logo for their companies.

Logos ...
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