Sustainability Marketing Of Shell

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Sustainability Marketing of Shell

Sustainability Marketing of Shell


The marketing of Royal Dutch Shell

We will focus on the sustainability marketing strategies of Royal Dutch Shell. First, it is relevant to study the current marketing strategies of the company so that it can be easier to understand how it has maintained its market sustainability. This section will only provide a brief analysis of which the marketing mix is made and there will be no possible amendments to be proposed. The marketing of a company stands for the combination of controllable marketing variables that a manager uses to implement in a target market, so that the goals of the company could be achieved. This can be stated as the definition of a marketing mix. The original marketing mix consists of the four P's (Aaker 1999, 142).

Discussion: Body and AnalysisEvaluation of the societal and environmental challenges faced by Shell

Shell being a company of petroleum industry, faces numerous societal and environmental challenges such as prevention of atmosphere from excessive carbon, maintaining a balanced eco-system, producing much environmental-friendly product through the help of technological advancements and innovations, searching for alternate sources of energy which can be less harmful than petrol, and so forth. The four Ps correspond to the four Cs of consumers. Thus the product corresponds with the customer-solution/customer-need or the solution for the customer. By the identification of customer needs, the organization may be able to fulfill them. For a proper assessment on the strategy it is important to evaluate the 4 Cs included in the analysis. When there looking at the 4 C's, a product developed according to the wishes of consumers. If all these needs can be satisfied, the consumer satisfaction can be achieved and creates a good relationship between the customers and organization (Barczak 2003, 125).

An evaluation of the company's sustainability strategy by using the 4Cs

Customer Needs

The product in this case is gasoline, diesel and LPG. Where are these products? All three fuels are needed for consumers who have a car, truck, motorcycle, scooter or other motorized vehicle use. To transport these vehicles and to run them, fuel is needed and since consumers want to drive, it developed a demand for fuel (Buatsi 1986, 20).

Depending on the vehicle, there is a choice of petrol, diesel or LPG. A vehicle can only obtain a certain level of fuel, or else the engine fails. It is not possible to fuel diesel in a petrol car and vice versa (Golder 2000, 332).

In addition, the fuel does not guarantee the quality of service as it is a product which can only be used once and therefore not confronting such an issue. This means that no warranty is required by Shell for attaining sustainability through its product (Lemak 1997, 115).

Customer Cost

The price of the product is the amount it receives for its sale or the cost that the buyer bears to purchase it. Hence, this is the amount that consumers should pay and so does the ...
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