Survey Research

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Survey Research

Survey Research

Problem Statement

In the knowledge era, learning organizations are being emerged and knowledge is the key fuel for such organizations where knowledge management plays a critical role in learning more rapidly than the competitors, however, implementing knowledge management requires a number of steps to be taken (Abrahamson 2000).

In the commercial environment there are few constants. One constant that does exist is the need for change, as the commercial environment is consistently dynamic, and those organisations which do not change may be left behind as a disadvantage (Abrahamson 2000). For this reason, being an organisation that is unable to undertake continuous learning, facilitating the required changes in a dynamic environment, presents a significant threat to the company performance.

The problem statement for this survey research is that there is a strong relationship between learning organization characteristics and organizational readiness for change.

Method Used for Survey Research

Methodology is a significant element of any research study (Denzin and Lincoln 2005). It is an organised technique in which the data or information is gathered so that the research question can be answered or the research hypothesis can be proved. To put it simply, the methodology of the research study is a sketch or a map which helps the researcher to conduct the study in an organised and proper flow and to gather information which can help the researcher to answer the research questions (Denzin and Lincoln 2005).

This study is based on survey research. In this study the researcher conducted a survey in which the questionnaire was distributed to the participants to gather primary information. The questionnaire consisted of open ended questions. Open-ended questions are conversational. The answers or response generated from the open ended questions can be recorded. However, these types of questions can be quite expensive as they require considerable time to gather information from the respondents and even more time to analyse those responses.

Analysis of Research Rationale

This study will identify the depth and breadth of practices of characteristics of a learning organisation and will provide future directions for implementing organisational development interventions such as organisational learning etc (Abrahamson 2000).

The core purpose of this research project is to identify whether or not there was a relationship between the learning organisation and organisations that have readiness for change, and if there is a relationship found to determine the extent of that relationship.

To support the main research question, as well as provide supplementary information by breaking down the different elements and examining some of the smaller components in order to reach the aims and objectives, including providing practical knowledge and support for the organisation. The qualitative data will be collected from the managerial starting each of the three companies. A sample of five managers for each more company will be chosen, once again, the managing sales will be chosen on a random basis, stratified across the different departments and management levels. The approach used for each of the interviews will be identical, with each individual interview taking place in a carefully structured ...
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