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A supervisor is a foreperson, facilitator, team leader or area coordinator and is the manager who is at the position of trust in the business. A supervisor has authority and power to give instructions to subordinates and is responsible for the work done by the employees. As seen in the previous question that that supervisor gave the instructions to the principal of the school regarding the improvement of students grade in history. Supervisor is responsible for the work done by employees. When students got poor grade in history so the supervisor was responsible to give justification for such grades and even deal with the parents who were concerned about the grades of their children (supervisor, 2010).

If these two important responsibilities are not performed by supervisor then the person would not be on the position of supervisor but the person can be a lead man. A supervisor has many responsibilities to perform in which one is to assign tasks to employees and look after it to maintain the quality and cost. Supervisors have many roles and responsibilities like managers. The main difference between supervisor and manager are that supervisor do not have much authorities like of hiring and firing and they does not make budgets (supervisor, 2010).

Supervisors can take part in the recruitment and firing process but they do not perform key roles in such activities. Their participation and advices are always required for such processes. The main job of supervisor is to stay concerned with orchestrating and controlling of work and they do not have to perform those works by themselves. Supervisors directly contact with the employees on daily basis and look after their needs, requirements and problems. They work as a direct link between the higher authorities and work force (The Concise Oxford Dictionary)

Supervisor or Administrator

A good supervisor is one who also works as an administrator and supervise things in an effective and efficient manner. The feedback of those supervisors is good from consumers end as well as from managements end. It is further discussed that how supervisor perform the role of administer as well to increase the efficiency. Supervisors are also administrators because they accept and implement the administrative authority and they also inherit the power in their position but in a non-authoritative manner (Kadushin & Harkness, 2002).

They provide proper standards on which employees have to work and support them. As seen in the previous question that supervisor was directly involved in the coordination with the principal. Supervisor was supporting the principal as well as gave the task with clear expectations.

As an administrator supervisor give clear structured procedures and constructive way of giving and receiving feedbacks. Supervisor does not only give directions but also provide honest and constructive feedbacks in such a way which to give respect to employees and on the other hand they strengthen their independence (Kadushin & Harkness, 2002).

If the principal shows the new curriculum of history to supervisor then supervisor must view that curriculum and activities which will take place in class and ...
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