Supervision For Successful Schools

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Supervision for Successful Schools

Supervision for Successful Schools

Type of School

The type of school I study in is the collegial school. This culture helps the students in ensuring that they learn in the best manner not only in academic terms, but also in terms of personal development. The collegial schools ensure that the outcomes of the studies of the students are positive and that they learn in a manner that is helpful for them, as well as, their future. The teachers in my school work together to make sure that their teachings impact the students in a manner that will help in reaping out the best benefits. This culture, that is followed in my school helps in ensuring that the students not only learn, but also apply their learning to their practical and professional life.

The students, as well as, the teachers in my school make sure that they keep the process of learning ongoing and that they help the students in learning new things and making new discoveries. The students and teachers are never satisfied and they always make sure that they improve in every possible manner. Teachers make sure that they work in teams so that they can increase their knowledge and can improve their way of teaching that will prove to be beneficial for the students. Teachers also play the role of leaders in the schools and make sure that they help the students in improving their knowledge.

The culture of my school, collegial helps us and the teachers in ensuring that they learn in the best possible manner and that they are contributing towards a better society. The values and beliefs embedded in this culture prove to be beneficial for continuous improvement.

Supervisory Climate

The supervisory climate at my school is very effective. The instructors make sure that the classroom environment helps ...
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