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Summary: Research on Restaurant in South West Region of the UK

Summary: Research on Restaurant in South West Region of the UK


Test of normality- Table 1 represents the normalcy test. In almost all statistical analysis, the assumption of normality is a common denominator. This section begins with the statistical test of normality (Wrenn, 38). This is called the Kolmogorov - Smirnov and is in the Analysis menu, in the choice of nonparametric tests and finally under the abbreviated name of a sample KS. The dialog box lets one select the variable analysis and the law of probability is proposed as the population from which the sample has been extracted (Soong, 1997). Firstly, according to the test of normality, which was conducted on the basis of the visual features including the sales, value, ads, outlook etc, the statistics suggests that the significance level of wages is highest among all the factors which depict a commendable pay scale and structure of the restaurant employees (Bishop, 16) Beside, the display and the secondary associations for which the restaurants communicate its services are attracted and score at the statistics of average 96% (Szmigin, 3). This is the display of the fact that the communicating strategy and the advertisements of these restaurants are successful in appealing to the target segment (Szmigin, 2005, 3). The layout and the seating arrangement add up to experience for which the restaurants attain a distinctive mark in the south west region (Parcon, 2007, 62). The hypothesis which was stated for this table was H0: the secondary benefits and visual display is comfortable and attract a large number of people, and H1: the visual display and secondary benefits are not appealing for the customers (Maxwell, 96). In this part of analysis, the null hypothesis is accepted, that is customers have a pleasant experience with respect to the restaurants services and the aesthetic theme.

Independent Sample t test- Table 2a and 2b represent the independent sample tests; the results indicate that the equality of variance is 9.097 with the significance level of 0.003. it compares the results of Mann Whiteney U and Wicoxon W, out of which the sales of the second is greater than the first with the standard deviation of .001 (Marczyk,2005,115). According to the t test on the descriptive parameters the greatest number of customers turns up in the restaurant for fast food as compared to the private and business cuisine. This test determines whether there is a relationship between a categorical variable (located in the columns) and a scale variable (located in the rows) (Haskins, 1996, 50)

Anova-In the next analysis section, which includes the tables 4a 4c and 4b, the descriptive parameters were divided into the three factors including the fast food, private dinner/lunch, and the business dinner/lunch (Gore, 1992, 16) The purpose was to gather the degree to which people visit restaurants on the basis of these parameters (Hill, 1992, 36) The t test percentage was found out significantly relevant to the fast- food customers with a ...
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