Suicide And Human Growth & Development

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Suicide and human growth & development

Suicide and human growth & development

Human Growth and Development

The concept of growth and development is a fundamental part in the life processes of man. Growth is defined as increased body size and development, however, is the appearance of new features or acquiring new skills. These processes are closely linked in reality and their separation is rather for teaching purposes. On the one hand, the increase in body size height and weight measurement or anthropometry basically and the other the successive appearance of new skills such as social, emotional, linguistic. Biological factors play a huge role in shaping children's physical development. For instance boys and girls are born with distinctive sexual organs, and become further differentiated when secondary sexual characteristics emerge upon puberty.

Naturally occurring chemical messenger compounds the body known as hormones are responsible for coordinating the appearance of these physical differences. For an individual to meet each stage of human development successfully he or she needs to be taught what is socially acceptable. Socialization has several interpretations but, the general interpretation is the process of interactions by which an individual learns the norms of his or her cultural group pertaining to values, attitudes, language, and beliefs. As the individual acquires the knowledge of his or her group he or she begins to develop a sense of personality and self. “Socialization therefore addresses two important problems in social life: societal continuity from one generation to the next and human development. Keeping in mind that the pace of growth and development is inherent and in every child there is an order allowing him to evaluate it (Grauerholz, 2012).

There are stages of growth and development that occur in orderly succession, although with some temporal variation. Therefore more important to compare between children with respect as weigh or measure, or if they sit or walk alone is seen in the individual child which has been his growth and development and harmony with respect to general landmarks. On the other hand though this process exists for the life of the individual is no doubt that it is precisely in the period between conception and the first year of life when an explosion of growth and development. At no other stage of life will grow so rapidly. Just in these months an individual achieves their full potential both physically and skill growth of all kinds. It should be noted that this period of rapid growth makes the body more vulnerable and alterations that may occur, if not detected and corrected, can lead to disorders that are maintained and accentuated over time. This explains the importance of regular checks, both during pregnancy and after child, especially during their first year of life (Salkind, 2006).


Socialization is a process that takes a lifetime. While parents and family are the most influential experiences throughout life also become a part of an individual's socialization. Erik Ericson theory on development emphasizes the thought that socialization is something that an individual experiences throughout one's ...
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