Substance Abuse

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Substance abuse


One of the most common types of drugs used by the African Americans is Marijuana. According to the results derived from the Monitoring the Future Survey, which focuses on a national annual survey directed towards students, more than 20 % of seniors from high schools were found to have been using marijuana, percentage of past users was found to be 34 % , and approximately 45 % were reported as lifetime users of marijuana. (Johnston, O'Malley, Bachman, & Schulenberg, 2005). Even though there is a consistent discussion on the broad usage of adolescent marijuana and the associated threats and risks in the literature, not much is available and known related to the consequences of the use of adolescent marijuana on the later life (Brook, Adams, Balka, & Johnson, 2002; Newcomb, 1997), particularly in regards to the minority groups or populations (Beauvais & Oetting, 2002). Even though a number of the coexisting results that occur due to adolescent drug use have been upheld through experimental observations like memory loss, attention impairment, bold judgments, injuries and mortalities during driving, criminal activities, and isolation from traditional institutions (see Hall & Solowij, 1998, for review), consequences over a period of time of teenage substance abuse and the methods and means of the explanation of effects like such are not apprehended well enough. The use of marijuana has a limited time as far as usage among adolescents is concerned, as it lasts till the mid-20s (Bachman, Wadsworth, O'Malley, Johnston, & Schulenberg, 1997), it remains uncertain if its effects carry on subsequent to discontinuation of use or if it appears in the later part of life (Lizotte, 2004).

The information can be beneficial in forming prevention programs related to drugs and substance abuse and intervention programs. As teenage age is the right time to develop the necessary skills needed to perform specific functions like work and employment in the as a grown up in society, use of marijuana, intensive in particular, hinders the development of such important skills for the required significant performance of roles played by adults. The intensive use of marijuana is the source of particular implications as it is associated and linked with substance abuse and addiction. Furthermore, intensive usage has a significant impact on weak and poorer results and performance outcomes (e.g., Fergusson & Horwood, 1997; Newcomb & Bentler, 1988). There are a number of accounts and explanations which have been provided to pay attention and give due emphasis on the results indicating consequences of substance abuse on social attitudes over a long period of time, such theoretical work is still in the initial stages of development (Newcomb, 1997). There are two primary theories which are pseudomaturity (Newcomb & Bentler, 1988) and incompatibility of roles (Yamaguchi & Kandel, 1985). Even though the results and findings derived by the accounts of the theories are not clear about the mechanisms nor they have been tested comprehensively, the suggestions from both the theories indicate that drug use by teenagers hinders the attainment of ...
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