Studying Law

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Studying Law

Why Law At The Postgraduate Level? Reflect

Why Law At The Postgraduate Level? Reflect


Transitioning from a high school to a collegiate environment can pose obstacles for even the most academically prepared students. However, today it is not uncommon for academically vulnerable students to pursue a four-year degree alongside their more traditionally prepared counterparts. In fact, there are more academically vulnerable students enrolling in colleges and universities than ever before. Students face further struggles with the demands of higher education in the areas of reading, writing, and math.

In addition to academically under prepared students, the number of students with disabilities entering college is higher than ever before. Notably, students with learning disabilities are the “largest and fastest growing group” of this population. It is further estimated that of the 15 to 20 percent of the general public with a reading-related disability, 85 percent have dyslexia. Considering the propensity of higher education institutions and faculty to rely on a reading-heavy curriculum, students who struggle in this area are at a distinct disadvantage and it is critical that the characteristics of these students be investigated. Identifying the characteristics of academically vulnerable students could lead to the development of instructional strategies to help support students in these courses.

This reflective essay is on my experience of studying law at the post graduate level. Since the law is one of the toughest fields of education, it became even tougher for me as I am a dyslexic. In this essay, I will share why studying law can be a good option for a dyslexic person like me. This reflective essay will also help other people with disabilities to succeed in professions other than law, such as business, education, medicine, psychology, and the arts and sciences. One of the most important factors that is helping me with my law education is pursuing passionate interests. This essay provides insights about practical approaches for people and career counsellors to steer adults with dyslexia toward satisfying, productive careers based on their own abilities and interests. This essay will provide learning for other individuals with learning disability.


Since the advent of special education policy in 1999, everything is implemented to integrate students with handicaps or social maladjustments and to adjust them (students with special needs) into regular classes. Universities are now developing the conditions that promote the success of special needs students. Of course, as I suffered from a learning disability, young people like me, living with dyslexia are directly affected by this. It has been proved by Dale that students, who have great difficulty in reading, are also experiencing difficulty in other subjects. It is, therefore, very important to respond quickly to these students and implement the best possible conditions to help them succeed. University of Derby provided exactly the same level of service to me. The university supports dyslexic students in their learning by providing them ample opportunities and time to learn. Another thing that is helping me with my law education at University of Derby is that technologies change ...
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