Strategic Performance Management

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Strategic Performance Management

Strategic Performance Management


The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant facts and figures relating to the analysis of Strategic Management Performance. Strategic Performance management can best be described as a series of steps or activities that occur at different points in a performance management cycle (typically defined as a yearly interval during which the employee's performance goals are set and the employee is evaluated and given feedback) (Boyer, 2002, pp. 9-20).

In this paper, the author will undertake a review of how performance can be strategically managed. The author will also explain the way in which senior managers can set, agree and monitor performance plans for their area of responsibility and review how senior managers can monitor and evaluate the performance of the part of the organisation for which they are responsible, and ensure that performance continues to contribute to the achievement of strategic objectives. Finally, the author will undertake a review of a range of techniques available for influencing and persuading others.

Linking Performance Assessment with Organisational Objectives

The basic purpose of reviewing the concept of strategic performance management is to understand different aspects of performance management and to implement it in the organisation where I work.

Links Between Team Performance & Strategic Objectives

School's Mission, Vision and Objective

The goals and objectives of this institution are basically to improve the level of education mainly in regard to the pupils in the school as well as those who are joining the school. The major challenge is the multi ethnic factor and the language barrier issue where the English is not the universal first language spoken by the pupils.

The vision of the school is to enhance full participation and engagement on the in regard to the education and the general improvement of the grades. The relationship as well as better engagement between the pupils, teachers and parents should be enhanced. In general full participation aiming to improve the level of education should be enhanced. This aims to improve the inter-ethnic education cooperation in the primary school and the local community in which the school serves. The major focus is the emphasis on the cooperation between the stakeholders of the education taking into consideration the multi-ethnic population. This is to create an enabling environment whereby there is full cooperation between the teachers, teaching assistant's students and parents in order to achieve higher grades in the primary education. Pupils of different ethnical background interact and gain knowledge as well as learning in a different cultural environment. This improves the inter-ethnic relationship in the school within its locality improving the overall performance of the pupils.

Balance Scorecard

Balance score card strategy will be used to integrate the school activities to visions and objectives of the school. We will look at four asepcts in this regards:



Learning and Growth

Internal Processes

The primary school in context is located in a socially, economically marginalized as well as disadvantaged area within the city. Therefore, the strategy to attract customers (students) would be ...
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