Strategic And Innovative Marketing

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Strategic and Innovative Marketing

Strategic and Innovative Marketing

Strategic and Innovative Marketing

Answer 1:

Convenience Food

The demand for various convenience Foods will gradually increase in future. There are various convenience Foods available in the market today. Dry pasta is the leading convenience Food sold in the US market. In the year 2004 the quantity weight of dry pasta sold was 2446932 pounds at the unit price of $0.36 and the total sales of dry pasta was $1086142. In the following year the unit price remained the same as $0.36 but the quantity of dry pasta sold was 2450666 ponds which produced total sales of $1127520. The demand for dry pasta increased in 2005 and is expected to keep on increasing in the following years (Lenczowski, 1960, pp 45-188). The intensive advertisement on TV also helped to increase the demand of convenience Food. The main reason for the increase of demand of convenience Food is that, it takes much less time to cook and its easy to cook. Manufacturers have tried to rid the meals of their unhealthy tag by offering a range of low-fat, low-salt options to tap into the appetite for healthy eating. These various reasons tend to increase the demand of convenience Food in the future (Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl, 2003, pp 121-19).

Products Purchased on the Internet

The market for internet shopping is huge and will continue to grow rapidly. The demand for internet shopping is high and will continue to increase in the next coming years. The total online market in the year 2004 was estimated to be £6.3 billion. The demand increased in the following year and the total online market was £ 8.2 billion and 10.9 billion in 2005 and 2006 respectively. It is estimated that the demand for the net online market will keep on increasing and will reach the staggering amount of £14 billion and £17 billion in 2007 and 2008 respectively(Beardsley et al, 1997, pp 156-56). Various factors are responsible for the increase in demand of online shopping. People find it convenient to shop online since it increases their individual choice and they get more options which help them to find the lowest prices (Antonelli, 1984, pp 333-43). However there is threat of least awareness of online shoppers, but steps are being taken for more secure environment in the net for the online shoppers. Various selling regulations ('DSRs') are being imposed which gives a customer a right to know who they are dealing with and the key information of what they are buying. The regulations also include an unconditional right to cancel within seven days with a full refund and protection against online payment card fraud. These all have created a better and secured environment on the internet which is resulting in the rapid increase of demand of online shopping (Gordon, 2004, pp 274-286).

Fax Machines

The demand of fax machine is decreasing after the evolution of paperless e-mail. The demand for stand -alone fax machine significantly decreased over the last several ...
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