Spiritual Formation And Growth Throughout The Lifespan

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Spiritual Formation and Growth throughout the Lifespan

Spiritual Formation and Growth throughout the Lifespan


In this paper we have considered the main theories about the spiritual development and growth that are presented by well-know theorists including Piaget, Fowler and Kohlberg. We have analyzed the various phases of spiritual development and growth by taking into consideration the stage based models of these theorists. We have compared and contrasted their theories related to the spiritual growth and development in this paper.


In the profession of social working, there is a rising movement stating that the beliefs of religion and spirituality are vital to the person's nature and have an integral influence on the behavior of humans (Hugen, 1998). One can take into consideration the development of spirituality of an individual from development throughout the life years till the death, whereas considering that racial, socioeconomic, ethnic, and political and largely the social influences that impact the journey of faith of a person. The foundation of this approach is the comprehensible assumption that the spiritual capability of an individual is not inactive, however in reality changes, develops and possibly intensifies. The James Flower has strained form a profound emotional understanding of development of human and made a spiritual formation model that contains several stages regarding the faith. This model is true for many of the other assumption models.

Conventional Thinking Ways about Spiritual Growth

Most of the researchers have analyzed that the developmental model that is based on several stages, whether cognitive, moral, spiritual or psychological is informative and descriptive when considering the general development of the individuals. The Lawrence Kohlberg proposed six stage series according to which the people develop as they progress their framework of mortality. We will take the summary of the James Fowler's stages of development of faith throughout the span of life as the reference point for spirituality discussion as it associates to research of Piaget and Kohlberg.

Possibly the most well-known contributor for the approach of this stage model in considering the spiritual growth is James Fowler. James Fowler drew an attention towards a new thinking wave related to faith that is based on the theories of renowned psychologists of development such as Lawrence Kohlberg and Jean Piaget. Flower claimed that the faith, including the life as well in this context of faith moves on from several different stages as an individual matures (Kropf, 1991).

According to Fowler, shift to the first stage starts with the convergence of language and thought, accelerating the utilization of symbols in language and ceremonial play. The faith of the stage one is noticeable for the child of age between 3-7 years, including a child believing on God merely in factual terms. Kohlberg explains that development of morality of children in this particular age is provoked by the punishment avoidance. In many traditions of religion, children are being taught that the God lives in paradise with those who are the lovers of God, whereas those persons who do not love god will be sent to ...
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