Specific Self-Esteem: A Correlation To College Persistence In Health Care Technical Education

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Specific Self-Esteem: A Correlation to College Persistence in Health Care Technical Education





Analysis of the Data2

College Persistence Scale2

Self-Esteem Scale3

RSES survey Findings4

Interpretation of Data and Correlation9

Mean Score16

Cross tab and Chi-Square Analysis17

Correlation Analysis31

Regression Analysis33

Coefficient of determination33

Hypotheses Testing34

Summary of Findings36




This chapter represents the research findings of specific self-esteem by using the approach of college persistence (DV) and specific self-esteem (IV) proposed in Chapter I. The purpose of this study is to examine the various levels of persistence in college students enrolled in health care technical education, as well as to unveil the existence of any possible association to specific self-esteem along with a specific demographic characteristic that may be blocking the students' ability to persist.

The purpose of the study is to determine if there was a statistically significant difference in measures of self-esteem between students to whom specific values were formally taught as part of the curriculum, and those who did not receive such instruction. A review of the theories of self-esteem identified it to be a dynamic relationship of competence and worthiness. Self-esteem was defined as the living status of one's competence in dealing with the challenges of living in a worthy way over time. Authentic self-esteem is based in reality, and balances recognition of self-worth with consideration of the needs and feelings of others. Values such as courage, respect, and integrity were shown in the literature review to be an integral part of authentic self-esteem by way of theoretical construct, by definition, and by lived experience. Given what is known about the interdependence of self-esteem and values, and that values were being formally taught to a group of students, it seemed reasonable to investigate whether, in this setting, a statistically significant difference in self-esteem could be measured between students who were formally taught values education lessons, and those who had not.

Analysis of the Data

In this section the findings of CPQ and RSES questionnaire are presented. As discussed in the methodology, the instrument used in this study consisted of 61 items designed to gather subject demographic information and record those subjects' measures of organizational climate and community attachment. SPSS 16.0 was used to store and analyze the data in electronic format. The analysis, it was important to first establish the reliability and validity of our instrument and operational definitions. Therefore, we began by running Chronbach's Alpha reliability tests on the organizational climate and community attachment scales independently.

Analytical tests used to examine the relationship between the IV and the DV included descriptive statistics to find the mean scores, followed by Parson's Correlation to determine the relationship of the variables and Coefficient of Determination with the purpose to calculate the level of predictability of future outcomes. Then, to examine the relationship of demographics and its influence to the IV and DV, this study used a multiple regression analysis. Additionally, to determine the degree of significance in between the two variables a p-level analysis was used. When the probability of error is less than ...
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