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Contemporary Processes and its Effects on Citizenship

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The concept of this essay is on the contemporary concepts of sociology such as Modernity, Post Modernity, Risk Society and Reflective Modernity. The focus of this essay is on the sub concepts, such as consumerism, individualism and trust, which are discussed in the major works of Bauman, Beck and Giddens. Once these concepts are analyzed, a critical analysis is undertaken highlighting the effects of such concepts on citizens.

Table of Contents


Definition of Key Terms1

Qualities and Features of Modernity and Postmodernity2

Fundamental Processes and Features of Postmodernity4

Bauman's Postmodernity and Consumerism4

Liquid Modernity5

Beck's Risk Society6

Reflexive Modernity7

Global and Local Connection8

Risk Society and Individualism8

Giddens' Reflexivity9

Selfhood and Trust10

The Corrosion of Citizenship12


Contemporary Processes and its Effects on Citizenship


The sociological notions of modernity and postmodernity describe historical periods and diverse sets of political, productive, aesthetic and ideological processes. The term 'modernity' refers to the elements of economic and social organization which converged in the US and Western Europe during 1850s and continued till 20th century. The concept of modernity emerged out of philosophy of Enlightenment and sciences of 17th and 18th centuries. The term 'Postmodernity' describes the era of rapid economic and social changes which swept Western societies during 1970. However, earlier historical traces of postmodernity emerged during the events of 1950s and 1960s. The origination of both, modernity and post modernity, are debated among sociologists and historians. These concepts provide unique description, of identity formation and identity, because of their different focus. Therefore, it is essential to start our discussion with the definitions of key terms. In order to understand the effects of the current process, it is important to understand the theories (such as modernity, postmodernity, reflectivity, risk society and so on) and concepts underlying the current processes (such as individualism, trust and consumerism).

Definition of Key Terms

The foundations of modernity are to be found in the processes and ideologies summarized in scientific rationality, specialization and individualism, and commoditization. A fundamental idea deeply embedded within the ideals and systems of modernity is that of the social progress (Baert & Carreirada 2010, pp.262). Conversely, postmodernity is principally defined by questioning the modern values and assumptions of progress, and questioning the values of scientific and economic rationality. Postmodernity also places an emphasis on matters of aesthetics and style in cultural life and on the importance of leisure and consumption in forming people's identities.

It is helpful to begin thinking about the different definitional components of modernity and postmodernity by highlighting the possible different uses of both terms:

Modernity/postmodernity refers to the stage or epoch of social, cultural, and economic development. Sometimes writers use the terms modern era or postmodern era, which are similar concepts. The key idea in this use of both terms is that each represents a significant and decisive shift in the basis of social change and evolution that represents a break with the earlier era.

Modernism/postmodernism refers to the artistic, aesthetic, philosophical, and stylistic facets of these epochs. For example, modernism is associated with canons and trends in art, philosophy, literature, and ...
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