Sociological Perspectives

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Sociological Perspectives

Sociological Perspectives

This paper intends to discuss that what sociological perspective I prefer, which is conflict perspective. Further, reasoning of my particular preference is also explored. Moreover, the understanding of the subject is demonstrated by comparison of conflict theory to other three perspectives. Those perspectives are in terms of what conflict theory would say on gender, race, socioeconomic status, groups and careers.

Gender Perspective in Conflict Theory

The starting point for a gender perspective in conflict analysis is the recognition of the historical bias in research on the war. The conflict armed and political violence has traditionally been studied from the point of male perspective, so there is also the need to integrate the experiences of women. In this regard, in recent years the research effort by making women visible is reflecting a variety of experiences and roles of women during armed conflict (Bouta 2005).

Women have always been victim of violence. Violence against women based on gender is "the violence directed against woman because she is a woman or that affects women disproportionately. " This violence takes many forms, including stabbing, beating, murder, torture, rape, sexual harassment, forced prostitution, threats and humiliation, sexual abuse and trafficking.

Race Perspective in Conflict Theory

Racism can unleash conflicts involving various forms of national identity. They affect other nations or groups along with discrimination in social community, and make it impossible to cross-identification with social goals and alternative identities. In Kosovo and Rwanda, for example, the extremists took advantage of the fears and frustrations of the population. The speech was used for further racial mistrust and "hate group", which over time led to extreme violence. In Rwanda, Hutu militias massacred Tutsis, and Kosovo Albanians were expelled. In both cases the imprisoned men, women and children were victims of committed rape, torture and murder. These crimes were ...
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