Society And Politics: Comparing Two Chapters Quotes

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Society and Politics: Comparing Two Chapters Quotes

Society and Politics: Comparing Two Chapters Quotes


The critical theorists have deeply influenced contemporary social theory, philosophy, communications theory and research, cultural theory, and other disciplines for six decades. The dream of an interdisciplinary social theory continues to animate the sociological imagination. In recent decades there have been many different attempts to articulate the connections between the economic, political, social, and cultural dimensions of contemporary society in the spirit of critical theory.

Marcuse too turned toward the aesthetic dimension in the 1940s, thus, Marcuse suggestion in chapter: “The closing of Political universe”, contains a political dimension because its negation and impossibility in the totalitarian era shows the monstrousness of a world that refuses the simplest and deepest source of human happiness.

Horkheimer and Adorno's "Elements of Anti-Semitism" in Dialectic of Enlightenment follow this method, providing different perspectives on anti-Semitism, rather than a systematic social theory that attempts to grasp the essence of the phenomenon. Rather anti-Semitism is approached from a politico-historical perspective, a religious perspective, an economic perspective, an anthropological-cultural perspective, a psychoanalytic perspective, and the perspective of critical theory that anticipates their theory of the authoritarian personality (Adorno, 2002).

Analysis of Dialectic of Enlightenment: Anti-Semitism

"Dialectic of Enlightenment" is a strange book. Most of it is formed from the records and notes that Gretel Adorno led in the course of discussions between Adorno and Horkheimer in Santa Monica. The historical influence Horkheimer and Adorno had mentioned in this book on the intellectual development of Western.

Germany, especially in the early decades of [the war], to the ridiculous does not match the number of its customers. Seems strange, and the composition of the book. It consists of text, occupying just over fifty pages, two tours and three annexes. Applications are more than half of the text. Difficult to understand the form of presentation does not allow you to instantly grasp the structure, clearly carried out by the thought (Adorno, 2002).

Two Central points

The estimates of modernity is a problem that interests me in the long term the current situation: why Horkheimer and Adorno both wanted to thoroughly explain all of that is education Great example of the synthesis of self-overcoming of ideology critique was Nietzsche.

Comparison of Horkheimer and Adorno Nietzsche teaches us not only to see the opposite direction, the development of each of which boosts their criticism of culture, this comparison also arouses doubt that at the level of reflection is repeated process of becoming a proper education.

Analysis of One Dimension Man


In three parts, Marcuse paints a picture of a world in which various novel forms of social, political, and economic control have arrested the critical element within society that would be productive of social, political and economic progress and reform. Without a genuinely revolutionary class, without genuinely revolutionary elements, the one-dimensional society becomes the irrational construct of a dominant, self-reinforcing, opposition less techno-industrial tyranny. In the first part, “One-Dimensional Society,” the author diagnoses the problem according to a ...
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