Societal Collapse After Natural Disasters

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Societal Collapse After Natural Disasters


Institutions, rules and practices all these things constituted social structure. The beliefs, actions, thoughts of individual human beings socially comprised the structure of society. Actions of the members of the society are organized and managed by the social structure. Roles and authority is assigned by the social structure to the actors of the society. It is dispersed with respect to geography. Social structure plays a key role in causing social outcomes. The outcomes could be relentless or non- relentless. (Little Daniel, 2007)

Research Question

What would happen if a society lacks structure? The question will be tried to answer in this paper. Does society actually exist because of how quick it breaks down in the aftermath of natural disasters such as hurricanes and tsunamis?


The disaster of Katrina has opened a door to the hot discussion whether society or any social structure exists in America? Innate issues about the class difference and racism were aroused as the whole of America; in fact, whole of the nations watched the New Orleans sinking in water. The high flying stories soon emerged after the hurricane that United States government did not facilitate the citizens of New Orleans and showed a lethargic response in the administration and management of the situation. The federal government had been accused by some groups for showing racist response.

Critics on government believe that if such an intense hurricane strikes a city which has white population in majority then the government would consider or taken the situation more seriously. The demographics of New Orleans main consist of African Americans, people who are living their life vulnerably; the poor people whom the federal government considered unessential and showed a dormant and inactive response in their assistance.

The disaster of Katrina gave rise to various issues on the structural inequalities and break down of society. Race is a debatable issue in the American society giving the impression that Race has become a social structure in the American society. Opportunities and resources are distributed unevenly on the basis of the race and social class.

A disintegration of civil society was found in the instantaneous aftermath of the hurricane. (Denzin Norman K., 2006) The nonexistence of society is based upon the complete breakdown of the so-called structure in the aftermath of natural disasters.

Moral Decay of American Society

The structure of American society is collapsing day by day. Especially regarding the neighborhoods, this trend is more obvious. The neighborhoods that were once in good terms are now intimidating and s of one another. Predominantly the breakup of families and breakdown of marriages is very alarming. Marriage and a complete family with both parents play an important role in the structuring of a society. The escalated rates of divorce, child births out of marriage vows are obliterating the vital institution and thus deteriorating the growth of the coming generation. The current situation then entails an increase in crime rates, more issue regarding the behavior and health, more dependence on welfare, fewer accomplishments in education and ...
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