Social Thoughts And Changes

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Social Thoughts and Changes

Social Thoughts and Changes

Rationalization and Bureaucracy

A state without a bureaucracy, one can barely imagine today. It is this facility was not too long. Max Weber introduced the bureaucracy in a relationship with the process of rationalization.

Max Weber was born on 21 April 1864 in Erfurt in the context of a liberal education and upper, middle-class born, that it would shape his life. His father, a representative of the National Liberal Party, worked among others as representatives of political liberalism in the Erfurt City Council and was also a temporary state assembly and parliament mandate. In Heidelberg, Göttingen and Berlin, the young weaver from 1882 to 1885 studied law also heard next federal economic, historical, philosophical and theological lectures (Beetham, 2000, pp. 30). Weber had already developed an interest because of the "social question", which is due to the rapid development of industrial capitalism in the second half of the 19th Century was more pressing. In 1894, he gained the appointment to the chair of economics at the University of Freiburg. A year later, Weber was a professor at Heidelberg University. This was regarded as the constitutional scholar with Jellinek, the theologian or the philosopher Ernst Troeltsch Windelband then a center of spiritual life. Until the adoption of a Chair of Economics in Vienna in 1918 and then in Munich in the summer of 1919, he was a private scholar in Heidelberg.

Rationalization means that throughout history, the ability of people increases, with the natural and social environment to deal with her mentally and creatively intervene. His analysis of bureaucracy made him the founder of modern organizational theory. The concepts of power and domination in Weber's bureaucratic approach have fundamental importance, and they are in a very precise meaning. Weber distinguished power and rule by defining power as something that is constantly exercised within social relationships, against the will of a subordinate. Rule is seen by him as a special case of power.

For him, it is associated with a certain degree of consent by the ruled, and calls for a "Gehorchenwollen" of subordinates are. The bureaucratic (rational-legal) authority of the core theory of bureaucracy. It is as it were the "nucleus" of the modern state, for it is: who controls the apparatus, also dominates the system (Brubaker, 2002, pp. 47). Rule is unthinkable without the bureaucracy in modern societies. One should always ask whether the bureaucracy is a neutral instrument, or whether it has already developed its own momentum, against the rulers of a state can impose with difficulty. Rule the people's representatives or the bureaucrats? And who controls the existing bureaucratic apparatus?

Division Labor and Meritocracy

Social mobility is linked to the theory of social classes and the theory of meritocracy and consists of movements or movements that made individuals, families or groups within a given socioeconomic system. In its other meaning, it means the extent to which socioeconomic achievement inherited.

The horizontal is the passage of individuals or groups in a professional group, a branch of ...
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