Sinner In The Hands Of An Angry God

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Sinner in the Hands of an Angry God


The sinner in the hands of an angry God was preached by the Jonathan Edwards in July 8, 1741 in Enfield, Connecticut. Jonathan Edwards was extremely talented orator and the writer of 1700s. His main approach in writing was the theological topics such as heavens, God, hell, sin, and devils. The theologian Jonathan Edwards presented the new view of God. The puritan preachers usually presented their orations on the eternity, hell, fire, sovereignty and dignity of God. Edwards presented a new characteristic of God.

In this preach, he puts forward his beliefs as God is heartless and condemning towards the sinners. He wrote a sermon outlining this characteristic in the “Sinners in the Eyes of an Angry God”. This famous persuasive rhetoric develops the fear and terror in the hearts of people. He symbolizes the frightening image of God in order to develop the fear as well as terror on readers. Edwards' main motive behind doing is to reprimand people and draw their attention towards the negative part of the life. His main focus was always on the negatives of the end of life. He intended to represent the two negative aspects; the first signifies the evils of humanity and the sternness of wrath of God such as natural disasters in terms of hurricane, terrible storms, blazing floods, and ferocious earth quakes etc. He characterized God in this in order to stop and prevent people by scaring them to crave redemption. In the other pessimistic point, he explained the horrors of hell and the attributes in case of throwing the person in to the hell. It is a gaping mouth which is waiting to burn the people in the flame. He asserts that whoever is the non believer will have a destiny of horrifying and inescapable custody of hell.


Jonathan Edwards was the real pastor who wanted to remind the consequences of sinning and convincing the non believers to have the faith in God. He made this intention as his mission of his life. He used to execute his mission through his influential and eloquent sermons. His most powerful and the convincing sermon is the 'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”. He used various of metaphorical expressions and figurative language to add value in the effectiveness of the sermon. His messages were designed to persuade the humans through the powerful emotional appeals. His sermons reflected the sensory languages and convincing orations.

Jonathan Edwards used the fear factor in order to shape the spirituality and the morality of the congregation. This powerful puritan delivered the persuasive sermons in the light of biblical allusions, events and citations to persuade the feelings of non believes or disbelievers through fear, guilt, terror, pity and fierceness. He characterized the image of God as He is more angry and annoyed with the people who are in congregation rather than those who are already in hell. This is because, the people who living in the world have a chance to reshape their ...
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