Self Awareness

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Self Awareness, Self Analysis and Self Development

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Table of Contents



Self awareness1

Self analysis2

Self development2

Relation between the three traits3

Importance of the three traits3

Tools for self awareness4

SWOT analysis4




Personal SWOT analysis7


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)9


Scoring and Strengths11

Cautionary comments11


Finding of other tools for self awareness13

Summary of my Strengths & Weaknesses14



Self Awareness, Self Analysis and Self Development


Self awareness has remained to be the zenith of philosophical thought for centuries. It is the stepping stone for personal development. A self aware person tends to do better self analysis, inevitably leading to self development. The discussion in this paper is focused on the meaning and importance of self awareness, self analysis and self development. It further discusses the relationship between these traits and their importance. Some self awareness tools have been also discussed in this paper along with their findings.


Self awareness

Self awareness is the cognitive ability of a person to introspect and realize the inner self as though looking in a mirror. From early history to the modern age self-awareness remains the zenith of philosophical thought. Extensive literature has been produced on the notion of self awareness, and the modern writers, more specifically, have a nuanced view of this concept but the core idea remains the same, which is being the object of one's own attention. The concept of self-awareness is sometime integrated with consciousness into a single construct, due to the shady nature of the idea (Morin A., 2011). A classical distinction between consciousness and self-awareness was proposed by sociologist George Herbert Mead, where he described consciousness as amplified attention towards external environment and self awareness as focused introspection (Mead 1934).

Self analysis

Self analysis is exceedingly interlinked with self awareness, and it is often considered as the second stage of self awareness. The modern self awareness theory documented as “Objective Self-Awareness Theory” (OSA) by Duval and Wicklund (1972) extended the idea of self awareness and amalgamated self analysis into it. They described self awareness as the state in which a person analyze and evaluate his current situation and devise strategies for personal advancement so as to achieve a perceived goal (Fiske, 2010, pp. 737). This idea explains that self analysis is as important as being self aware. In the stage of self analysis, a person sets a standard and evaluates himself in respect of that standard. He uses his knowledge of self awareness and work out plans and techniques to transform himself into someone who can achieve the perceived objective.

Self development

Self development is to make improvements to one's own self and attain a higher level of success. This is the set standard that a person tends to achieve through his knowledge of self awareness and self analysis. It is the driving force behind knowing one's inner self. A person becomes the object of his personal attention when he needs to achieve more than what he has already achieved. In the journey to accomplish this goal, the person develops himself. He minimizes his weaknesses, evaluates alternatives, finds new strengths and takes his whole self to a higher ...
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