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Education Reform Acts of America

Education Reform Acts of America


Education system of a country plays a vital role in the development of an economy. U.S. education system is one of the most developed in the world. This paper will address Education Reform Acts of America starting with the historical perspective and further linking American education with religion, curriculum, minorities, technology, Courts and with students with special needs.


Historical Background

The majority of the population of the American colonies in the 17th century was composed of European immigrants who brought with them their cultures and traditions. Education was not a priority for them because they had to fight against the Indians and try to survive. One way for settlers to adapt to this new space was to recreate a familiar environment, mainly by placing the center of their community, their religious values that governed their attitudes and indirectly the purpose of educating children, especially those of elites. The latter received a school education for the primary purpose of being able to read the Bible, one book available in some communities across the Atlantic in the 17th century.

The American Revolution allowed the settlers of the New World to gain their independence, to withdraw gradually from English tutelage (guardianship was economic, political but also intellectual and school) and so begin construction of a new nation, the United States. Reflection of American citizens and educators about school and education were enrolled in this double commitment: to highlight their difference from the old continent and build a new national entity uniting different communities by the dissemination of new values, new structures of thought. Nevertheless, the founding principles of the school system remained partly inspired by England: the teaching of reading and writing was designed to read the Bible, and allow students to save their souls. In addition, preservation of social order based and legitimized by religious precepts remained a central goal of the school. Further, during the time of American Revolution, Americans began to realize that patriotism and love of country could be taught, while strengthening the unity of the American nation. During this period of transition, the education system started to become essential pillars of the establishment of a national identity.

The first decades of the 19th century was the period of major transformation in the history of American education. One of the major events during this historical period was the establishment of Common Schools, public schools funded by the states. It was the major development because until the 1840s, most schools continued to be funded and privately managed. The first public school was created in the late 1830s in the state of Massachusetts and welcomed students from primary school till 8th standard. The situation of the schools in America began to improve after the American Civil War (1861-1865). The various states began to take education seriously, organized the Departments of Education and school districts. It became mandatory for cities and towns to have at least a ...
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