Roman Republic

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The Romans have been great geniuses of all times. They have the systems developed of running the country and its people that have now been followed by many of the states of the modern times. Despite the various issues that have existed, the Roman Empire has worked smoothly ad has become a source of inspiration and development for the Western countries. There have been various practices that the western world has followed in developing their own societies and beliefs.

Roman Empire was and is a great example of success and unity, allowing everyone to work together. However, they have also seen the times of tyranny and monarchy, yet it has not allowed the Romans to deviate much from their practices and norms.



The ancient era of Roman civilization, the time when the government worked as the republic is known as the Roman Republic. Around the year 509 BC, the reign of Roman monarchist came to an end and was replaced by two consuls, which made up the government; these consuls were elected by the people and were directed by the senate. The election was done annually. With the focus on checks and balances and separation of powers, over time a complex system of government was evolved. The offices of the government had tenure of one year only and except for the times of war or any other similar situation elections were done annually. Practically the society of Romans was in hierarchy.

This development of the Roman constitution has been greatly influence with the struggle among the Patricians (the aristocracy of Rome) who have always been a part of Rome's history and wealth and the commoners, the public of Rome (the plebeians). With the passage, of time; the rights and honors awarded to the patricians by the law were either weakening due to different reasons or we replace, and a futuristic society came to light. They rise from the group of the commoners. There was a strong culture and morality was developed by the leaders, which require them to work on public service and support in times of war and peace. This means that success was entirely linked of both the politics and military.


In the first two centuries, the Roman Republic greatly expanded by means of alliances and conquests; the expansion was from the Italy (Central) to the entire Italian Peninsula. By the end, of the century it further expanded. Till that time, in spite of tradition and law practices of the Republic against anyone who claims the political powers permanently, the politics of the time was dominated by a handful of politicians which became the cause of various civil wars.

With all the chaos of alliances and the following civil wars, Octavian who was thereafter known as Augustus; was the last victorious emperor. He reformed the constitution and made himself the first citizen of Rome hence, starting the citizenship. The job of the Senate remains the same, to assemble and discuss issues. Most of the policies remain the same, however, the decisions ...
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