Role Of Women In Postmodern Societies

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Role of Women in Postmodern Societies


Postmodernism may be one of the most cryptic and confusing perspectives in history to have grown out of the modern era. The distinction between terms associated with postmodernism demonstrates this complexity. The term postmodernity often describes a period of time that succeeds—or even shadows—modernity, while postmodernism may denote a distinct cultural tenor running through art, literature, and other forms of popular culture. Where the former implies a break with modernity, the latter indicates an outgrowth of different and perhaps novel forms of distinguishable cultural activities and products. In contrast, postmodernization is a reference to movements associated with either postmodernity and/or postmodernism. In short, there are no clear or precise explanations as to what the conceptualization of postmodern and its derivatives actually constitute; yet this lack of clarity is indicative of the type of challenges to objectivity and absolutism found within postmodern themes. What is certain is that the Information Age has provided a stage for which social institutions within an era of globalization can be interpreted through postmodernism. In this paper we try to focus on the role of women in postmodern societies, and influence of Globalization on women. The research paper provides an analysis of interview that was taken from 6 women from Ireland. The paper gives brief an analysis of the interview. The paper also includes the discussion part, in which it clearly indicates about post modernism and role of women in postmodernism society. In last paper concludes with the overall discussion.

Table of Contents



Modernism versus Postmodernism1

Pioneers of Postmodernism3

Structuralism and Deconstructionism (Poststructuralism)4

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche5

Richard Rorty5

Roland Barthes6

Michel Foucault6

Jacques Derrida7

Jean Baudrillard7

Jean-François Lyotard8

Fredric Jameson9

Postmodernism, Religion, and Popular Culture9




Postmodernism and Globalization12


Qualitative Research12

Data Collection and Processing Procedures13

Interview Questions17


Interview Analysis17




Role of Women in Postmodern Societies

Influence of Globalization on Women


Postmodernism may be one of the most cryptic and confusing perspectives in history to have grown out of the modern era. The distinction between terms associated with postmodernism demonstrates this complexity. The term postmodernity often describes a period of time that succeeds—or even shadows—modernity, while postmodernism may denote a distinct cultural tenor running through art, literature, and other forms of popular culture. Where the former implies a break with modernity, the latter indicates an outgrowth of different and perhaps novel forms of distinguishable cultural activities and products. In contrast, postmodernization is a reference to movements associated with either postmodernity and/or postmodernism. In short, there are no clear or precise explanations as to what the conceptualization of postmodern and its derivatives actually constitute; yet this lack of clarity is indicative of the type of challenges to objectivity and absolutism found within postmodern themes. What is certain is that the Information Age has provided a stage for which social institutions within an era of globalization can be interpreted through postmodernism.

Modernism versus Postmodernism

The distinction between modernism and postmodernism can be most readily viewed through their characteristic differences. In its most general meaning, the term modernism refers to a period in which principles extending from the European Enlightenment gave rise to systems of logical ...
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