Robert Frost

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Robert Frost

Biographical information on Robert Frost

Robert Frost was an American poet considered one of the founders of modern poetry in his country, to express, simply and deeply philosophical views, life and man's emotions rural New England. He studied at Harvard University and in 1885 his family moved to Lawrence, Massachusetts. He held various offices, such as a teacher, spinner, cobbler, farmer and rural newspaper editor. In 1912 he traveled to England, where contacted renowned poets such as Abercrombie and Edward Thomas, published there his first two books, a collection of poems and a series of dramatic monologues. He was an immediate success and in 1915 returned to America, where it was recognized. He subsequently released Mountain Interval (1916), the stream that flows west (1928), A Further Range (1936), In the Clearing (1962) and other volumes of poems and dramas. His poems reflect the nature linked to the emotions of the men who inhabit it, in simple language that weaves maximum or morals however complex. His world is tragic but also, due to a philosophy of resignation or a elemental wisdom, tragedy is dissolved in natural events of life, with a slight sense of humor (Thompson, p. 63-71).

Behind its rivers, trees, paths and landscape hides the imminence of danger, the potential hazards of nature and the essential mystery of things to which his characters simple, almost primitive, they are confronted. Beauty, for example, can arise from an ice storm, beyond his ruthlessness and destructive power, bringing poetry to a mystery that transcends. His creatures are crossed in passing to the elements, and in that brief encounter is where poetry occurs, the meeting in a greater than symbol expresses metaphors of the human condition in general. Another part of his poetry is more personal and introspective, and in her mind it was the scene of major battles psychological demons as if his fight against chaos. Also innovated in the metric and prosodic and melodic resources, as simple as finding rhymes Vigorous easy with a meter could make endless variations. In this respect differed from many of his contemporaries of the early twentieth century, who used experimentation indiscriminately. He innovated further in the dramatic dialogues, unifying poetic forms with colloquial speech. He received the Pulitzer Prize four times and has been recognized as one of the national poets, as well as enjoying a wide popularity in several generations of readers. Along with Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson, is considered the greatest American poet (Thompson, p. 63-71).

Information on Robert Frost

By the time he returned to America at age 40, Frost had published his first two books of poetry, A Boy's Will (1913) and North of Boston (1914), to favorable reviews. It is important to note that this success came years before modernist touchstones, such as Eliot's The Waste Land (1922) or James Joyce's Ulysses (1922), drastically changed the literary landscape (Thompson, p. 44-52). Frost went on to win four Pulitzer Prizes (1924, 1931, 1937, and 1943), to receive honorary degrees from dozens of colleges ...
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