Risk Analysis

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Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis


The paper is intended to highlight the risk analysis mentioned in the chapter 13, which is associated to performing a risk management related to infrastructure protection and information security. The second edition of Digital Crime and Digital Terrorism is composed to study about the terrorist acts practiced by employing digital technology. The paper discusses the key effects and its resolution to tackle those illegal digital activities under the operating system of business. In the modern times, number of tools and measures are invented to resolve this issue, which further requires modification from master attack.

Discussion Analysis

Objectives of Performing Risk Analysis

The goals and objectives of performing risk management are to facilitate the organizations for accomplishing the mission of information security and infrastructure protection, which are as follows:

Provide better IT systems that transmit process or store the information of organization.

Enable management to create intellect decisions of risk management for justifying the expenditures that are related to the budget of information technology.

Assist the management in accrediting the information technology system on the grounds of reliable documentation resulting from the performance of risk management.

Target Audience

It covers number of diverse group's professional that plays key role in risk management, which includes:

People with supervision duties for risk management, for instance, risk executive, chief operating officers, chief executive officers, and heads of agencies (Taylor, 2011).

People with the responsibilities for carrying out the missions of organization; for instance, authorized officials, information stewards / owners and business owners.

Moreover it includes those individual with duties of holding information technology services, system and products for example contracting officers, procurement officers, and acquisition officials.

It will also target the group of security design/information system or those holds the responsibilities of implementation for example information security architects, enterprise architects, program managers, and the integrators of information systems.

People have oversight information ...
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