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Raisin in the Sun

The play, A Raisin in the Sun, explains how the poverty in which the characters live has shaped who they are. Poverty affects the Younger's' living conditions. Poverty also mold their dreams. The family's impoverishes state shapes their living arrangements and their dreams.( Hansberry 1995)

Living in poverty has effects on the living conditions of the Younger's. Their furnishings are covered by what is described as "acres of crocheted doilies and couch covers." Their furniture is given an old, worn-out look while "a table or chair has been moved to disguise the worn places in the carpet." As if having old décor isn't enough, the Younger's' apartment is occupied by cockroaches, which Beneath sprays for in the beginning of Act 1, Scene2. The cockroaches are talked about as if they have and always will be in the apartment. Hansberry 1995)Beneatha says, "I can't imagine that it [the pesticide] would hurt him [Travis] - it has never hurt the roaches," to which Mama responds, "Well, little boys' hides isn't as tough as Southside roaches."

Living in poverty has unconvinced the Younger's so much that they don't even have their own, private bathroom. They are forced to share a bathroom with their neighbors, the Johnsons. Because of this arrangement, the Younger's' entire morning is rushed and hectic. When Walter is slow to wake up, Ruth says to him, "Travis be finished and Mr. Johnson will be in there and you'll be fussing and cussing round here like a madman!" Having beat-up furnishings, cockroaches and no bathroom of their own marks how poverty has affected the Younger' living conditions. Hansberry 1995)

Poverty also affects the dreams of members of the Younger family. Walter's dream was shaped by his poorness and his unattractive job as a chauffeur. His dream is to own a liquor store, which he describes as "a business transaction that's going to change out lives." Walter's dream becomes unattainable when, after being in poverty his whole life, he becomes foolish and loses his money as soon as he gets a hold of it. Furthermore, Beneatha's dream is also molded by poverty. Her aspiration was to become a doctor, but since she cannot pay for medical school, she has to abandon this dream.

Although becoming a training to become a doctor in America is out of reach, Beneatha is still motivated to move to Africa where she can become a doctor for people who are more poverty-stricken than her. Besides for Walter and Beneatha, Hansberry 1995) Mama's dream was additionally affected by poverty. Mama simply wanted a house where should could provide from her family and have a garden of her own. She does accomplish this dream to an extent by putting a down payment on a house. At the same time, poverty still holds her back from fully obtaining her dream, because the dreams of her children remain unfulfilled. Whether it's owning a liquor store, becoming a doctor or providing for the family, living in poverty can hold people back ...
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