Response To Mcloskey

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Response to Mcloskey

Response to Mcloskey


Atheism has always been a great topic of debate and discussion among many philosophers and scholars who are supportive of theism and reject the blasphemous and bold statement and objections of atheists. The main purpose of this essay is to discuss the ever popular and interesting essay of Mcloskey who has presented with some really impressive points against theism and questioned the belief of theism with regards to the existence of a universal creator. His objections and findings are of great importance and do make us think for a second and question ourselves that how well informed we are with regards to our religious beliefs and opinions.


Mcloskey is of the opinion and suggests strongly that since the existence of God cannot be proved it clearly show that he does not exist which is against the argument referred to as cosmological agreement. He further explains that those people who do believe in his existence can be divided into two classes or categories. The first category comprises of those people who do not possess enough knowledge about the religion and the concept while the second category consists of those who have not done enough research in the area and are unable to indulge in the related thought processes. Basically this absence of proof encourages the concept of atheism promotes people to steer away from believing in any existence of God. Pointecast presentation suggests otherwise and presents some really strong and valid arguments that actually rejects that statement of Mcloskey and tires to prove that God does actually exist. According to the presentation when scientists came up with the discovery of magnetic field, it was purely on the basis of trying to explain some phenomenon and not because they could touch or feel the magnetic field. In other words there is no empirical data that can prove the existence of magnetic field and only the effect of the magnetic field that we see around us have been used to prove that it does exist. The presentation does suggest that though there are other concepts of naturalism and evolution that try to explain the existence of universe but the best possible answer for the existence of solution is the presence of some intelligent creator in comparison to the former two ideologies. Mcloskey has tried to reject the “proof” and support for the existence of God simply presenting some objections and referred to them as uncausable cause. According to analysis of literature, Mcloskey has his own reason and beliefs but he remains unable to provide evidence in favor of his statements. For instance he rejects the teleological argument which suggests that the design and structure of the world is evidence that God exists while Mcloskey states that there has to be indisputable proofs of design and purpose which is just not possible as man is limited in terms of knowledge and available options or errors. And due to this fact humans will never be able to provide for indisputable reasons or evidence ...
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