Research proposal on Breakdown Of Skin Due To Excessive Hand Washing
Title of the Proposal
The research proposal is about break down of skin due to excessive handwashing and anaylsing the issue that how hand gels used in clinical practice (as part of infection control) and the amount of residue left on the hands and its effect on hand hygiene. The primary objective of this research study is to demonstrate an understanding of the research process by developing a detailed, coherent and logical plan that would enable you to investigate a selected area of nursing practice.
The study will use both primary and secondary data. The primary data will be collected through interviews and the secondary data will be collected by means of journals, articles and books.Table of Contents
Title of the Proposalii
Table of Contents1
Chapter 1: Introduction2
Potential Significance to Nursing Practice & Evidence Based Care2
Hand Hygiene2
Risk of infection through skin3
How to properly wash your hands?4
Excessive handwashing4
Handwashing in nursing5
When should we wash our hands?5
Importance of handwashing in nursing6
Chapter 2: Literature Review7
Problem Statement7
Research Questions7
3.And how hand gels used in clinical practice (as part of infection control) and the amount of residue left on the hands and its effect on hand hygiene.7
Objectives of the Study7
Validity and Reliability8
Chapter 3: Methodology8
Data Collection Method9
Data analysis9
Sampling method9
Literature search9
Possible Limitations10
Breakdown Of Skin Due To Excessive Hand Washing
Chapter 1: Introduction
The research proposal is about break down of skin due to excessive handwashing and anaylsing the issue that how hand gels used in clinical practice (as part of infection control) and the amount of residue left on the hands and its effect on hand hygiene. The primary objective of this research study is to demonstrate an understanding of the research process by developing a detailed, coherent and logical plan that would enable you to investigate a selected area of nursing practice.
The study will begin with the first chapter which will provide the scope of the study and the aims and objectives behind the study. The second chapter is based on the literature review, which will analyze the previous studies and that have been conducted in the field. While the third chapter will in detail elaborate the research methodology of the study. The chapter five will further analyze the data and will provide conclusions of what all has been reviewed and studied. Finally the fifth chapter will explain the implications and recommendations for the study.
Potential Significance to Nursing Practice & Evidence Based Care
Hand Hygiene
Hand disinfection of school leads to the fact that they are less absenteeism due to illness. This has been established in studies in two American schools. Scientists told 324 students from 5 to 14 years on the benefits of hand washing, and then gave them ethanol gel hand sanitizer three times a day. After 3 months, statistics showed that the number of absences due to illness decreased by 66%.
Touching a contaminated surface may lead to the further spread of infection by 7 clean surfaces. Despite this, many health workers do not wash their hands with soap after it touched something dirty, and ...