Research Proposal For Conduct Disorder

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Research Proposal for Conduct Disorder


This research proposal aims at undertaking the vital domain of conduct disorder. It will briefly discuss the effectiveness of counseling techniques available and those prescribed. Moreover, the proposal discusses the relevant theories in this regard and the proposed methods for research, as well the expected results the research may entail.

Research Proposal for Conduct Disorder


Teenage boys get into trouble sooner or later. It is part of being a teenager. Your hormones are raging, your body is changing, and your perception of the world is changing too. Thus, most parents neglect the fact that their child might be getting into trouble because of a disorder. Conduct disorder is a psychological disorder. Usually, it diagnosis is in early childhood. It tends to present itself via repetitive and ongoing patterns of destructive behavior. The behavior in question is generally ill appropriate of the age group. It is a violation of everyday etiquette. Behavior such as this can be called antisocial behavior (Hinshaw and Lee, 2003).

Statement of the Problem

Unfortunately, there is no precision test for diagnosing conduct disorder in teenagers. After viewing the individual's history, a decision is reached. Since validation occurs extremely late into the disorder, it is vital that treatment techniques be as effective as possible.


Literature Review

Little is known about the specific causes of the disorder. Researchers have been able to narrow down possible causes. Conduct disorder was repeatedly witnessed in patients that have been victims of child abuse. It is also exhibited in children whose parents have, or have had, some form of drug addiction or alcoholism. Family conflict, gene defects and socio-economic drawbacks are also possible causes. Research goes on to assume that the disorder is prevalent in mostly males (Nurcombe and Leckman, 2008).

A consensus is hard to reach regarding how common the disease is. Symptoms seem ...
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