Representation Of Bernini's David

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Representation of Bernini's David



A man portrayed in the Bible is named as David; he is to be intended second king of Israel. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate David's statue by Bemini.

Thesis Statement

Although there were four artists who created the sculpture of David but Bernini's David was one the sculpture having detail successful expression, strength and cleanliness of emotion, which was clearly shown in the stamp on the marble plasma.

Representation of Bernini's David

Evolution from the works of Donatello

Evolution from the works of Verrocchio

Evolution from the works of Michelangelo



Representation of Bernini's David


A man portrayed in the Bible is named as David; he is to be intended second king of Israel. One of the famous stories is the time when he killed Goliath, a philistine Giant with stone and sling. There were many artists who made the sculptures of David. These include Bernini, Michelangelo, Verrocchio, and Donatello. These artists presented the sculpture of David in their own and special style. However the purpose of this paper is to evaluate David's statue by Bemini, and its evaluation from early works of Michelangelo, Verrocchio, and Donatello (Kleiner, 2010). At the end we will analyze how this statue of David reflects the Counter-Reformation efforts of the Catholic Church.

Thesis Statement

Although there were four artists who created the sculpture of David but Bernini's David was one the sculpture having detail successful expression, strength and cleanliness of emotion, which was clearly shown in the stamp on the marble plasma.

Representation of Bernini's David

Bernini sculpture belongs to the seventeenth century having Italian Baroque style. David's Sculpture is made of marble-size, and it is located in the Galleria Borghese in Rome (Italy). It was created between 1623 and 1624 having 170 cm height. Bernini's David represented King David, one of the characters of the Old Testament (Shaked, 2007).

Evolution from the works of Donatello

Bernini's David work it evolved from earlier works of Donatello, Verrocchio, and Michelangelo since Donatello created the first nude statute of David of classical time. He gave real image of a peasant boy from Italy in from of classical nude figure. Donatello was himself was inspired from classical figures.

Evolution from the works of Verrocchio

On the other hand Verrocchio was the second artist who developed sculpture of David and his sculpture is considered as the most imaginative and important sculpture of mid fifteenth century (Poseq, 2006). The goal of Verrocchio was completely based on ...
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