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According to Holt and Thorpe reflexivity means the researcher's own opinion and viewpoint with regards to his research and analysis. The personal assumptions and thoughts that the researchers have about a particular research problem or topic are often taken for granted and not given importance to. That ability to reflect upon his research and derive important analysis and his ability to critically appraise refers to reflexivity. Every person has his own sense of reflexivity and it has been suggested to help the readers understand any research report with the help of their ability to question and critique the assumptions of the researcher and develop their own ideas on the basis of researchers opinioins. Reflexivity in the words of a reflexive researcher with regards to qualitative research suggests that 'I impact and therefore I need to examine how I have impacted or how I think I might be going to impact and be up-front to my readers and also my [research] participants. (Qualitative researcher) if one wants to remain reflexive yet effective at the same time he must know that how much he must rely on his own assumptions and research findings so that they remain useful and do not interfere with the actual findings of the research. he must not be too self indulgent so as to manipulate the actual research findings or become too bias. High quality production in terms of research report is only possible when the researcher remains creative and innovative with the data and drive inferences and important conclusions rather than simple presentation of the research results (Cassell etal, 2009, pp. 525). For a researcher to be appropriately reflexive is a big achievement and accomplishment for the researcher and effectiveness and practical implication of the research. Cunliffe suggests that in the line of education and teaching, classroom ...
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