Race In My Community

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Race in My Community

Race in My Community


The concept of race is that there is a set of organisms or genetically distinct population within a species, in type of hereditary acquired by the medium. What makes one think that all humans are genetically identical relies on the fact that we differ in phenotype, and characteristics that are visible. We have more differences with a person in our "race" with a person of a different race. It refers to the division of humanity is a fallacious idea. The sets us apart is the different ethnic groups that have adopted over time. The concept of racial differences has demystified knowing that there are these differences genetically. Although different in the lore, who believes that these differences are between people of a different color, people called racists. It proves that man has evolved from a prehistoric man to reach the current homosapiens (Gudemanm, 2004). He has migrated and spread throughout the world and has also had to adapt to wherever there, creating a polymorphic race due to radiation, diseases and thus creating different ethnic groups among the different groups. Therefore, race is the principal class's group individuals of the human species, serving the color of the skin. On the other hand, population is a group or extensive human community, made up of diverse households and residential living and working in a common geographical space and has a unit of social organization and institutions. In anthropology, "population" is the term that modern scientists have proposed to replace the concept of race (Gudemanm, 2004).

The ambiguity of the traditional concept of race means that in many cases, they also confuse the concepts of ethnicity, nationality, and even nation. For clarity, one must take into account that race is a concept referring to a supposedly human biological community, while ethnic, and people relate to cultural and linguistic communities, and the nation, a political community. Only in very special cases, such as the people who have lived in isolation is very noticeable (Pygmies and Bushmen of Africa, for instance) are closer (although still not fully agree) the concepts of race, ethnicity and people. Population classifications are always open and gradual. Between each human population, genetic distance is most often has nothing to do with the distance race (Walters, 2008). Being equal, the genetic distance increases regularly with time. The longer the time that two populations are separated, the greater is its genetic distance. The cultural distance does not develop on a regular basis; however, it is always conditioned by environmental factors extra genetic (Walters, 2008). The assignment is interesting as it provided an opportunity to sit back, observe and explore the impact of race in my community. The view of racial difference in my community is not much significant. I am an active member of the community, so I can say without reservation that the majority of people in my town, as well as the community leaders, feel the same as I do ...
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