Questions Discussion

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Questions Discussion

Question 1

For people with disability, their history is largely a history of silence. The lives of people with disability have not only been constructed as 'Other', but frequently as 'the Other' of 'the Other'. People with disability are marginalized even by those who are themselves marginalized.

While it is difficult to know where our constructions end and the reality begins (for the constructions shape the reality), it is clear that other stories and constructions which might have created different realities have been selectively 'forgotten'. Models of inclusion for example, among the Maori in Aotearoa where it is suggested that disability is accepted as being normal - have been erased from Western disability history. Disability activists are now facing the task of re-creating a culture which celebrates and embraces difference. In the West, however, the script we have written for people with disability is a narrow one.

The history of disability in the West has been characterized by the progressive development of several models of disability: the religious model of disability, the medical/genetic model of disability, and the rights-based model of disability (Holmes 16-33). These models, or constructions of disability, have set the parameters for our response to people with disability. Through time, these models have become more sophisticated, yet their essence remains constant - otherness.

"People with Disabilities are called, like all people, to respond in faith to the God revealed in Christ. People with disabilities have gifts which contribute to the building up of the whole body of Christ. Through people with disabilities Christ may work and bear witness to himself." (Include Me In - Uniting Church of NSW)This quote is said from Uniting Church of NSW, it?s said that disability people have different contribution to the community to us, they put in something else for Christ, their disability is helping Christ to ?work and bear witness to himself?. They are contributing equally to those who are not disabled so therefore they should be treated equally.

My DecisionI think that the government and Christians is doing a really good job at making people with disabilities to live like everyone else and fit in the society. Bible gives a really good outline as to what we should and should not do; the bible says that we should not discriminate against the disabilities because they are just the same as us and sometimes they might do a lot more contribution to the society than us, they shouldn?t be discriminated.

I think that we should actually learn a lesson from people with disabilities; they have a very high spirit in life, they don?t give up on life just because they have disabilities, they are very brave to live through everyday with something missing from them (Poplin 389-400). I think disability discrimination should be stopped and government and Christians should continue raise awareness throughout the society to let other people know people with disabilities is not much different from the rest of us.

Question 2

Disability may be seen as resulting directly from individuals, in which case the focus is ...
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