Quality Management For An Effective Programme

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Quality Management for an Effective Programme

Quality Management


Program management is commonly known as management or project management. Is the management discipline that guides and integrates the processes of planning, attract, energize, and organize the way. Thus, it manages talent and resources to complete all the work to develop a project and meet its target. All this requires leadership talents, continually assess and regulate the actions necessary and sufficient. To have a Quality Management System (QMS) in place in the company is always a smart idea, as gives many advantages, such as complying with an increasing number of customers' requirements for a QMS. Besides improving the company's business management system, an organizational performance must compete in both domestic and world markets. Improved management involves creating the capacity to improve the quality and effectiveness in delivering public services.

Program Manager Skills

The Standard for Program Management can be defined as a group of related projects managed to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually. Programs may include elements of related work outside the scope of the discrete projects in the program. Program management is said to be the centralized management, to achieve the program's strategic objectives and benefits.

Quality Management

From mangers prospects to have Quality management, he needs to adopt a number of management principles that can be used by managers to guide their organizations towards improved performance available from managing them individually. Programs differ from project in a number of ways. Some of which include:

Projects are finite with a specified start and end

Projects are unique; programs are typically ongoing focused on achieving business results

Programs are benefits oriented; projects are requirements oriented

Program management includes management of projects that make up the program

Program managers must not only be both technically and socially aware, but also possess the appropriate mix of skills and be capable of apply them in various proportions based on the current needs of the program. Such necessary skills includes,

Team Building Skills

Building an effective team is one of the main responsibilities of any manager. For program managers, this responsibility takes on the greater level of importance and complexity as both the program and projects that make up the program must be considered to ensure teams communicate effectively, committed to the effort, possess appropriate skills and necessary experience, expertise, and leadership (Pedler, 2006, 56-78).

Planning Skill

Strong planning skills are essential for successful program management. Initial planning develops a defined schedule that acts as a road map for the program and project activities throughout the life of the effort. Effective planning requires program managers to be skilled in areas such as resource negotiation, schedules, communication, and budgets. Planning is an iterative activity that continues throughout the life of the program in order to identify and account for risk, change, and issues that may influence the original plan.

Organization Skills

Organizational skills are particularly prominent during the start-up phase of the program when it is vitally necessary to establish effective organizational structures and integrate people, projects, process, and technology from across the organization ...
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