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Question 1

An importer of laptops has three suppliers: A1, A2 and A3. 20% of the laptops are supplied by A1, 70% are supplied by A2 and 10% are supplied by A3. From historical data it has been established that the percentage of defective laptops from suppliers A1, A2 and A3 is 12%, 3% and 2% respectively.

Calculate the probability of selecting a defective laptop

n1: 20

n2: 70

n3: 10

K1: 12

K2: 3

K3: 2

= .6854

Given that a customer returns a defective laptop, calculate the probability that the laptop was supplied by i) A1, ii) A2 iii) A3

A1 = .256

ii) A2 = .0582 iii) A3= .761

Question 2

It is known that one out of every five tax returns will contain errors and will be classed as faulty.

Calculate the probability that in a sample of five tax returns

none are faulty


ii) at least one is faulty


Calculate the probability that at most two tax returns are faulty


An inspector randomly selects a sample of 20 tax returns. Calculate the probabilities that in the sample of 20

i) seven are faulty = .684

ii) at most two are faulty = .0215

State the assumptions underlying the probability distribution you used to answer parts a)-c) above.

The Binomial Distribution Formula


n = the number of trials (or the number being sampled)

x = the number of successes desired

p = the probability of getting a success in one trial

q = 1 - p = the probability of getting a failure in one trial.

Assumptions of the binomial distribution

The experiment involves n identical trials.

Each trial has only two possible outcomes denoted as success or failure.

Each trial is independent of the previous trials.

The terms p and q remain constant throughout the experiment, where p is the probability of getting a success on any one trial and q = (1 - p) is the probability of getting a failure on any one trial.

Suppose now that the total population of tax returns in a country is one million and you could assume a sample of 250,000 of them to calculate the probability that at least 10% of them are faulty. Would the answer you provided in part d) still hold? Why (not)?

Use the binomial test when you have dichotomous data - that is, when each individual in the sample is classified in one of two categories (e.g. category A and category B) and you want to know if the proportion of individuals falling in each category differs from chance or from some pre-specified probabilities of falling into those categories.

Assumptions: The normal approximation for the Binomial test assumes that the proportion of the time that individuals are expected to fall into category A (symbolized by "p") multiplied by the total number of individuals in category A and B combined (symbolized by "n") is greater than 10 (i.e. pn>10) and that the proportion of the time that individuals are expected to fall into category B (symbolized by "q") multiplied by the total number of individuals ...
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