Public Schooling Versus Home Schooling

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Public Schooling versus home schooling

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Public Schooling versus home schooling

Thesis Statement

Although public and home schooling have multiple benefits attached to them, the concept of public schooling is the choice of most American still.


To weigh the differences or the benefits between the public schools and the home schools is very crucial before taking any kind of decision that which one of these two should be chosen. There are a number of pros and cons which are associated with both of these options. These differences cause every family to think and analyze in a different way and to make different choices on the matter of the education of their child. The choice or decision of any parent is solely based on what they consider is best for their child and also for them. One very important thing that every parent needs to understand is that not all the children are meant to learn and to be trained best at their home, similarly, not every child is supposed to be placed in an environment that is based group learning. The following paper discusses the advantages of public schooling versus home schooling.


The first and the most important step is to know the psyche of your child and to realize that in what type of environment your child is most likely to fit in. the best way to make a decision regarding the choice between the public school or the home schooling is to consider and evaluate all the evidences (Reese, 2009).

(Are public school students better prepared for college than homeschool students?” is a debate initiated by Reese in 2009 which discusses the advantages of a public school and describes how the students in the public schools have counselors available at their disposal for guiding them in their courses at all times.)

For example, there are a few Christian families who would like to put their child in a public school since in their opinion; the system of a public school would enable their child to witness his or her faith. On the other hand, there are a number of families who are of the view that there is an inherent danger involved in sending their unprepared and young children to the public school since these families believe that the public schools holds some kind of anti-Christian agenda. In their opinion, most of the public schools are inundated with a variety of ungodly theories and ideas such as secular humanism is being taught in the public schools of today, where, God is mentioned only during the time of flag salute. Those parents who home-school their children have the option that they can teach whatever they want to their children, so they can very easily teach them about Creationism and anything else which they want, but those children who attend public school would only be able to learn about the evolutionist theories.

One of the biggest problems of public school is that there are always peered pressures present there. Most of the parents are ...
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