Psychology Book Review

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Psychology book review

Review of Psychology: Concepts and Connections

For assignment purpose the review of psychology book has to be done. The book which is chosen for the review is Psychology: Concepts and Connections 10th edition by Spencer A. Rathus. This book was published in 2011 by Wadsworth Publishing.

Talking about Spencer A. Rathus, this is to be mentioned that he is the first person in his family to enter college. He found college textbooks boring and difficult. Therefore, when he got opportunity to write college textbooks, he tried to write them differently which would attract the students. His first professional experience was to teach English at high school. As the part of the high school teacher is to motivate students, and with this experience he realized the importance of humor and personal stories. Therefore, humor and personal stories became part of approaches he used in writing textbooks. When Rathus was English teacher, he wrote novels and poetry and most of his poetry was published in poetry journals. Rahtus is Ph.D. in psychology, and after Ph.D. he started teaching and entered clinical practice. His psychology research was published in various journals such as Journal of Clinical Psychology, Behavior Therapy, and Behavior Research and Therapy etc. He also wrote different textbooks on psychology related to introductory psychology, psychology development, abnormal psychology, and human sexuality etc. Rahtus has taught in different universities, St. John's University, The College of New Jersey, New York University and Northeastern University are universities where he gave lectures. Rathus are of interest and research was related to human development and growth, psychological assessment, psychological disorders, and methods of therapy. Rathus professional experience does not account only his teaching, but also service on the American Psychological Association (APA) Task Force on Diversity issues at the precollege and Undergraduate Levels of Education, on the advisory panel of APA, Board of Educational Affairs Task Force. Rathus is among those peoples who are proud of their family. His wife is an author of textbooks and she is also a professor of art history. His one daughter Allyn is a teacher and residing New York City. One of his daughters is enrolled in M.F.A program in Jordan. Taylor, Rathus youngest daughter have done musical theatre major. It is also notable that eldest daughter of Rathus is also psychologist.

The book Psychology: Concepts and connection is rich in reader friendly features. It is the language used in the book that makes its concepts easy to understand for students the concept of psychology, and personal experience. Rathus beautifully connected the core concepts of psychology to the practices and problems that occurs in everyday life. So, by bringing students to routine of life while teaching make this book easy to understand. The book defines classic theories and the latest founding in easy and understandable ways. Right through whole text students find that the focus of book is on diversity and wide coverage of developmental approaches for students. The book is provided with remarkable references for quickest ...
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