Protection From Harassment Act 1997

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Protection from Harassment Act 1997

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Protection from Harassment Act 1997

Part 1

What is the short title of the act?

The short title of any act is the formal name by which it is represented and cited in the primary legislation of United Kingdom and other jurisdiction in other countries of the world. The short title of any law or act is usually written in the beginning of the document in the jurisdictions. The short title of these actions called “Protection from Harassment Act 1997”.

What is the long title of the act?

The long title is a formal heading at the top of the statue or any other legislative instrument. The long title of any act provides and illustrates the scope and purpose of the law .the long title describes the reasons behind the development and the implementation of any act. The purpose of this act is to take preventive actions to protect people from harassment and similar conduct.

Does the act have retrospective effect?

Initially people were harassed physically and verbally. The laws for both kind of harassment have been included in the act. Yes, it does have retrospective effect. After some time, people used to abuse and harass others on phone and through mobile phones. After the increase of such incidents, the protection from harassment act 1997 was also used in cases that involved harassing through mobile or landline phones.

Is this a public, private or hybrid act?

The protection from harassment is a hybrid act. It not only deals with public and private matters. Harassment is considered a national issue and it should be applied in both public and private places. Whether the harassment is done in a public place or in a private place, law will be applicable in both situations.

Part 2

To what extend does this act apply in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland?


Initially this act was created to protect people from stalkers, but it is used as a protection against harassment. It is illegal and prohibition for any individual to pursue or encourage harassment against other people in the society. The act also takes action and the person is sentenced to jail for a period of six months. Protection from (Harassment Act, 1997, pp.10).


In Wales also the protection from harassment is applied in all fields and to every individual of the society. In Wales it is prohibited for any person to commit an act such as stalking and harassment and the person is also punished for committing an act of harassment. The lack of definition therefore, includes all form of harassment including cyber stalking.


The act of harassment in Scotland includes remedies against the harassment in civil law. It contains guidelines and legal regulations that protect people from harassment in civil law. Under the act the victims can take action against the person in the court and can also get orders from the court to further protect them from harassment in future. (Harassment Act, 1997, pp.19).

Northern Ireland

The protection from harassment act 1997 is also applicable in Northern Ireland. The law from 1 to ...
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