Project Development & Implementation

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Project Development & Implementation for Strategic Managers

Table of Contents


Executive Summary1

Company mission and vision:3

Mission statement3

Vision statement:3


Environmental & Industry analysis5

Market trends5

Industry growth6

Competitor's analysis6

Description of Venture7

Cost of material and other resources8

Office equipment8


Required Sources8


Timescale Management and Implementation of the project9

The web plan9

Development Strategy10

Front end strategy10

Backend strategy10

Transaction and order verification11

Hiring web hosting services11

Security certificate11

The Ground Plan12

Sales strategy12


Customer service12

Quality product13

Marketing and Promotional Strategy13

Core Strategies13

Value proposition14

Unique Identity Pursuance14

Exceeding customer expectation & gaining trust15

Responsible Corporate Citizenship15

Measures to monitor and evaluate success15

Major Risks15



Project Development & Implementation for Strategic Managers


The purpose of writing this assignment is to develop a business case or a plan for any new product, service or a process, and the author of the paper tried to present readers friendly paper. The main highlights of the paper is to discuss the current trends in the specific industry that selected by the author, and after discussing the current trends in the market, the author's focus is on the market competitiveness of the product. Financial and cost analysis considered to be the most important part of a business case. Therefore, in this paper, the author laid special emphasis on the financial side by developing the financial statements of the project. Beside the financial aspect, marketing also hold the crucial position in the development of the business. Therefore, for the marketing aspect, the author planned a special marketing strategy to promote the product. At last, the paper concluded on developing the appropriate measures that used to measure the success ratio of the business.

Executive Summary

The author being part of management of business planned an online business named “Evolution” performing services of t-shirt customization. The management decided to take the t-shirt segment of the garment market online where customer will have an opportunity to create T-shirts and other accessories according to their own desire and personal look. The clients can therefore create their product and order it online. “Evolution” will deliver them their customized product, and provide them with a great blissful and joyous feeling of “my creation...!” 

Evolution comes up with a marking statement:


At present Evolution will be providing customization specifically for t-shirts, and other certain accessories which include hand bags and related in future. The Evolution basically based on the team of four college friends, who starting their own business.

E-business is becoming widely practiced all around the world and United Kingdom considered being one of the huge markets for the e-business. Online customization of products is the charm of this online stream of business which is not that feasible in the physical business environment. which is a US based customization website for products such as t-shirts, caps, cups etc. has been a great success.

The market Evolution will be facing has immense competition. Big brands such as Levi's, Outfitters and Lacoste are enjoying great market shares and brand image. A great number of our target market is loyal to these brands as well. Thus penetrating into the market, gaining customer satisfaction, loyalty and building a long lasting brand image is ...
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