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Web design is the design of web pages. Web page consists of text and images. A website is a collection of information about a particular topic or subject. There are many web sites that reached success because of a good web design. When we say a web design is good, it doesn't mean that the web design has to have too much decorative such as too much colors or graphics. A web design is good when it is naturally pleasing to the eye of the online users, and, more importantly when it is able to satisfy and provide the needs of the users. A good web design must be convenient to provide users with systematic approaches to do what they need. Systematic approaches mean that the web design must provide the users with functions and buttons that will help them do what they need to do and go where they need to go. This characteristics lead to usability features that must always be a part of a good web design. (Bednarcyk, Yeo, 1994, p.198-199.)

The Most effective strategies will be based on the dual concepts of speed and leverage (Brinck, Gergle, Wood, 2001, pp.112). The application will be built by in-house web developers utilizing the Java Servlet engine Tomcat by Apache implementing Java Server Pages (JSP). The coding will be completed as stated within the corporate standards of indentation, naming conventions, color coding of keywords, and, preparing data structures. Using the Java structured scripting language JSP; the software engineers will be able to use Object Oriented Programming techniques. This new approach should solve the portability problem since components do not inherit the weird behaviors from the runtime environment (Beam, Goldsworthy, 1996, p.35-41.)

Parts of the application will be written in reusable blocks and referenced as objects. These objects will perform a detailed task and will be able to be reused as they are needed, this code re-use is referred to as Object Oriented Programming or OOP. Utilizing the OOP methodology code reuse can speed up time in development as well as utilizing system memory to its fullest.

The coding will take place in a team-oriented environment, which will require a versioning control system be in place. The versioning control software that will be used is CVS, which is a standard system on most Unix based servers. The CVS system will allow authorized users check in and out files to work on, and will keep a dated version of each file.

A relational database will be created and administered to solve the problems of data storage and maintenance. The database will be linked to the Java application via an Open DataBase Connection (ODBC), which will be password protected by access levels for reading, writing, and, deleting of the data stored within. The relational database overcomes many obstacles to accessing the data and offers the programmer a painless alternative (Bednarcyk, Yeo, 1994, p.198-199.)


During the phases of development, each module will be tested as it is completed, to ensure proper operation of that ...
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