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Definition and Process of Probation

Probation is a sentence that a judge can give instead of imprisonment or in addition to jail or prison time. Like parole ? it conditions. If a person violates the terms of probation ? the judge may give them a judge could sentence them to the original ? including a term in prison. In the federal system ? parole is not available ? like the federal sentencing guidelines applied instead. (Black 1990) In federal cases ? there is something called "exemption under control." Period of monitoring the discharge of the term offered in the sentence ? but in the end it is the judge's decision. Probation is available only in limited cases.

If a person is sentenced to Probation ? and the behavior of a contract or plan of treatment designed to release the staff member and intern. Minimum requirements for adult cases consist of reports on the intern office ? home visits ? as well as the collateral from the probation service. The number and types of contacts vary depending on the category and needs of each client. (McKean 2002)

Probations' Effectiveness

Conditions of a probationary period are not obstacles ? but effective tools to be used in working relationships. Despite the probation service's commitment to protect the public ? clearly gives the most prisons to protect people from criminals ? at least for the duration of their sentence. The effectiveness of the prison to protect the public ? it was stressed in the written evidence. As proof that the vast majority of current probation service policy not only failed to reform offenders ? but actually provides unlimited opportunities for its customers "to continue to commit crimes. If the vast majority of offenders under the supervision of probation service had been released from their jobs ? the negative impact on the level of Crime is low. (Black 1990)


Around 95% of all State prisoners would be discharge from prison and around 80% would be discharged to parole supervision. By the end of 2002 ? around 1 ?440 ?655 prisoners were under the authority of State or Federal correctional authorities. Around 592 ?000 State prisoners were discharged in 2001 and around 33% of State prisoners who were discharged ? were drug offenders. The rate of violent offenders was 20% and property offender's rate was 31%. There were 670 ?169 adults who were under State parole supervision by the end of 2002 and 16 States abolished discretionary release by a parole board by the end of year 2000. (McKean 2002) In year 2000 among State parole discharge 41% completed their term of supervision.

Probation Is an Effective Means Of Community-Based Corrections

Probation allows a person to remain in the community with his family ? but he is expected to become an active partner in the process of supervision. The proliferation of crime ? coupled with a huge overcrowding in state and community correctional facilities ? has resulted in a rapidly evolving system of probation. Probation is suffering from a lack of resources ...
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