Principals Who Have Cultivated Effective Inclusive Practices Within Their Schools

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Principals Who Have Cultivated Effective Inclusive Practices within Their Schools

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Table of Contents


1.1 Background1

1.2 Research Aims and Objectives2

1.3 Research Questions2

1.4 Conceptual Framework3


2.1 Effective Inclusive Practices4

2.2 Setting the Direction5

2.3 Redesigning the School Organization5

2.4 Improving Working Conditions for School Staff5

2.5 Providing High Quality Instruction in All Settings6

2.6 Ensuring Data Driven Decision Making7



The chapter focused on narrating the background of the topic, research aims and objectives, research questions and hypothesis of the study, theoretical framework that is going to be applied in the research, rationale of the study and provide the significance of the research by supporting the previous research conducted earlier on the broad area of the research. The objective of this research is to investigate and examine the role of principals that have applied or used the cultivated effective inclusive practices within the schools.

1.1 Background

The inclusive and effective practices used by principals are normally associated with providing the equal learning environment to students with disabilities and special needs as the non-disabled students. However, growing number of research indicates that these practices are applied globally by number of principals who want to support their schools to become inclusive and effective. Many researchers such as (Farrell et al, 2007; Leithwood, Harris & Hopkins, 2008; Hoppey & McLeskey, 2011) observed that principals have an onerous and significant role in shaping the destiny of school and children. Today, role of school principals are not just limited with administrating and managing the schools but their role today expands towards leadership to deal with variety of growing challenges including promoting change in schools and substantiating it within the school systems, leading the teachers working under the principals, bringing the quality education for all students which could provide them with academic and non-academic learning and bridging the gap between the teachers' teaching methods and students' learning capacity. This implies that they must use the cultivated effective, inclusive practices within their schools. The challenges for the principals including setting the direction, transforming and reorganizing the school structure, make better working conditions for the teachers and school staff, insuring that high quality instructions are followed across the all the settings and ensuring data driven decision making for the school.

1.2 Research Aims and Objectives

While majority of the research have been done in the context of analyzing the role of principal who have cultivated effective inclusive practices in developing the inclusive and effective, little research have been done regarding the inclusive and effective practices in general education in the elementary schools which successfully includes the students with disabilities to help them achieve their educational outcomes and other students that are struggling with their learning. In addition, the research will also investigate how the cultivated effective, inclusive practices used in the school influences the way teachers behave and think regarding the work and themselves.

1.3 Research Questions

RQ1: How do principals who have cultivated effective, inclusive practices describe the process in their school?

RQ2: How do teachers describe their experiences working with ...
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