Prevention And Mitigation Analysis

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Prevention and Mitigation Analysis


Two incidents have been discussed which have caused devastation at the White House in terms of killing and destruction of property. The first incident took place on September 12, 1994 when a plane crashed inside the White House, however no humanly loss occurred in this incident. The other incident also took place inside the White House on October 29, 1994 when shooting was perpetrated by Francisco Duran. Further in the paper, analysis of both incidents and recommendations have been mentioned which focus on ways of providing security to the White House.

Prevention and Mitigation Analysis


This paper discusses two incidents that took place and those which could be mitigated and prevented if care was taken. The first incident that has been discussed is shooting which was perpetrated by Francisco Duran in October 29, 1994. Moreover, the other incident that has been discussed is about the plane crash that took place on September 12, 1994. Analysis of the situations and responses has been done followed by recommendations for mitigation.


Shooting Perpetrated by Francisco Duran

Francisco Duran is known for the incident that took place on October 29, 1994. He was born on September 1968. At the White House, Duran fired 29 rounds from an SKS rifle after which he was convicted by Bill Clinton, the President of the United States for making the attempt to assassination. After this, he was awarded imprisonment of forty years (Fas.Org 2011, pp.1).

Analysis of the Situations and Responses

It was on October 29th, 1994 when Duran fired a group of men who were in the lawn of White House. It was claimed by two boys that one man looked like Clinton. After this incident, the Secret Services officers immediately went to subdue him. During this time, Clinton was unharmed since he was inside. However, this incident took place six weeks after Frank Eugene Corder crashed a Cessna in White House after which traffic was closed in that area despite that fact that no one was harmed during this attempt of assassination. Previously, Duran had stayed in the prison since he was assaulted with a vehicle and was also charged because he possessed a firearm which was illegal, and also caused destruction to US property. In order to save himself, he used insanity as defense but he was stated by the prosecutors as fake. Moreover, it was also analyzed that that he hated the government and President Clinton. This is the reason why his insanity defense was rejected and he was imprisoned. Today, he is still in sentence in Colorado and he will be relapsed by 2029 (Kinicki & Kreitner 2009, pp. 100).

Plane Crash (September 12, 1994)

Frank Eugene Corder consumed a lot of alcohol and cocaine with his brother on September 11, 1994 after which he asked his brother to drop him at Aldino Airport that was located in Maryland. Although he was not a licensed pilot, he took the keys to a Cessna P150 airplane and started it at 1:55 ...
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