Preparation For Future Terrorism Responses

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Preparation for Future Terrorism Responses

Preparation for Future Terrorism Responses

Chemical Attack - Aum Shinrikyo

Answer # 1

There were a lot of chemicals which were used for developing the sarin which could be used to kill about 4 million people at a time. There were also many chemical laboratories which were manufacturing the drugs like methamphetamine, LSD, and a form of crude of truth serum. At the ending of the year 1993, the cult initiated manufacturing the sarin which is a nerve agent and after that VX gas. They used the sarin and VX gases as weapons for mass attacking. Both the VX gas and sarin were utilized after that in many attacks and assassinations over the tome period of 1994-1995.

Answer # 2

The cult then tried to manufacture a thousand automatic rifles but only succeeded to make only one. For testing the sarin, Aum used sheep to test over them at the station of Banjawam which is a small rural land in the western region of Australia. From that attack of sheep, 29 sheep were killed by sarin. The main authorities had to face some serious threat and challenge when an emergency was declared by the state to stock up hospitals with the remedies of the nerve agent sarin gas and the Self Defense Force's chemical warfare professionals were held on standby. Thus, the terrorist ended up with no any attach that day.

Answer # 3

For testing the sarin, Aum used sheep to test over them at the station of Banjawam which is a small rural land in the western region of Australia. From that attack of sheep, 29 sheep were killed by sarin. Most apparently, on 27th June, the year 1994's night, the cult attempted a massive destructive attack of chemical weapons against the civilians by releasing the sarin gas in the central of Japan known as Matsumoto, Nagano. Such incident of Matsumoto killed eight people and harmed more than 200 people. Though, the investigations of the police focused just about a guiltless local tenant and remained unsuccessful for implicating the cult.

Answer # 4

In the reaction of the charge of prosecution, that Asahara gave order for the attacks of subway in order to distract all the emergency respondent authorities away from the Aum. The force of defense maintained that there was a complete unawareness of the events by the Asahar and this was basically done to pointing out his health condition which was deteriorating. Soon after he took into custody for questioning, Asahara abandoned his position of the leader of the organization and till then now he has preserved silence by rejecting the communication even though with the lawyers as well as with his family members.

Answer # 5

The massive attack of Tokyo subway provided service to around millions of passengers in a day and also posed as the wonderful target of attack for a huge number of killings at a time. The subway attack illuminated the lesson that how conveniently an attack with the use of a moderately unrefined chemical ...
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