Pregnancy And Smoking

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Pregnancy and Smoking

Pregnancy and Smoking


In general, tobacco does extreme harm to the human body. The health concerns related to smoking are numerous and unfortunately, many individuals have lost their lives. Thus, it goes with saying that smoking can also cause harm during pregnancy. Studies have shown that one of the health concerns associated with smoking is miscarriages. Second hand smoke also serves as a danger to the fetus and should not be overruled. Despite efforts by, among other providers of health care, 20% to 30% of pregnant women continue to smoke during pregnancy. Although many of these mothers abandon tobacco, or at least reduce consumption during pregnancy, maternal smoking remains a serious public health problem.

In light of the few concerns highlighted above, no individual should smoke before, during or after pregnancy. If this was an ideal world, no individual should smoke, period. Unfortunately that is not the case and hundreds, even thousands, give away their lives all because of a few puffs of the dreaded nicotine turbine. The concerns with respect to smoking should be taken even more seriously in under developed countries, where breast feeding is the first preference to provide nourishment to the child. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the effects of smoking on the female, and the fetus, during pregnancy.


Expectant mothers who smoke during pregnancy expose their unborn children to nicotine, a highly addictive substance, carbon monoxide and thousands of other chemicals that include cancer-causing agents that are contained and commonly found in the tobacco. These contents vary in quantity based on varying brands as well. Whenever the mother lights a cigarette, these toxic chemicals circulate in the blood, cross the placenta and enter the baby's body. When the unborn child is exposed to nicotine, it increases heart rate and breathing starts to accelerate (Ebrahim, 2000, 288-9).

Unfortunately, many do not know that smoking can cause impaired fertility. The maternal and paternal smoking decreases the duration and the likelihood of conception. This becomes a greater concern as the parents' age increase. Tobacco reduces ovarian reserve ocytes, has an anti-estrogen with particularly impaired mucus and promotes the production of adrenal androgens. In addition, smoking decreases fertility by increasing infertility of tubal origin and the number of ongoing pregnancies. The success rate of IVF is decreased.

Tobacco consumption during pregnancy is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus, which, for the later, can be fatal. Among the complications caused by smoking during pregnancy are the following.

Growth retardation of the fetus

Birth weight lower than normal

Premature detachment of the placenta

Premature birth

Spontaneous abortion


Syndrome of sudden infant death

Smoking during pregnancy causes an acceleration of the heart beat of the fetus and therefore the elevation of blood pressure, this pressure is the force exerted by the blood against the walls of arteries, or the artery wall. The chemical components in tobacco smoke pass through the blood of the mother and the embryo. It is important that pregnant women avoid smoky atmospheres.  Additionally, nicotine, carbon monoxide and other harmful substances in cigarette cross the placental barrier and thus allow increased blood pressure in a ...
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