Policy Change In Further Education

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Policy Change in Further Education in UK in Last Four Years

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Policy Change in Further Education in UK in Last Four Years


In the British education system, further education is considered to be a neglected middle child because it lacks the status of schools universities and resources; instead of having a significant importance in British life. An individual require further education to survive or cope up with the needs of economy and coming up with those skills that are essential in the eyes of an employer. Moreover, further education become more difficult for those who live in deprived areas and regions because universities or further education are unfamiliar or distant notion for them.


The education system in Britain is well-established, offering vocational and academic programmes from entrance level to further education. This is a huge range of subjects; for instance, applied and pure sciences, arts and humanities, media, health and social care, information technology and computing, languages, teacher training and access to further education courses. Further education undertakes 42 percent of all 16 to 19 years old education and 11 percent of all higher education.

During the financial year 2012-13, the overall investment in adult education will be £3.8 billion. The principles of fairness, equality and shared responsibility helps in strengthen the further education. The government of United Kingdom emphasize on prioritising funding for further education facilitate those who seek for work (Edward, S., Coffield, Steer & Gregson, 2007, pp. 155-173). Along with this, Britain education system offers loans for Further Education, in order to support adult learning and shift the individual's investment responsibility at higher and advance levels. Furthermore, also encourage programme such as apprenticeship and this programme are funded by both employers and government.

On the other hand, over three million students aged 19 and over were given the support for further education, during the academic year 2010-11. The majority of students were from the aged from 25 and over; however 19 to 24 years old student who were supported numbered 750,000 to avail further education and 14 to 16 years students were in school and spend less time in college (Gallacher, et.al, 2007, pp. 501-517).

The role of teachers is essential in further education and for effective learning, as who lack in further education usually has low self-esteem and confidence. Further education is a key in developing existing skills of a learner and teaching new skills. Further education often help in recognition and nurturing abilities of students, which is underestimate and they do not realize they have.

For several decades, the British system was following a pedagogy methodology to teach students. However, the words like “teaching,” “curriculum,” and “learning” are less significant in the context of further education, mainly because the aim of further education is on achievement and assessment. The issue is not lack of literacy but in order to fulfill future demands of workplace they require new literacy for new tasks. The learners/ students should know how to judge style, ...
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