Policy And Analysis Course

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Policy and Analysis course

Policy and Analysis course

The Concise Oxford Dictionary states the term 'welfare' stems from the root meaning of the word 'having a good trip or journey'. This conveys the idea of traveling smoothly on the road of life. Welfare is regarded in terms of people's well being. Welfare is often associated with needs, but it goes beyond what people need; to achieve well being, people must have choices, and the scope to choose personal goals and ambitions(Karger, David, 2005). Definitions tend to be exclusive (restricted to one area) or inclusive (encompassing every social welfare activity). Social welfare overlaps with the activities of many institutions and therefore giving a complete description is very difficult. However, the broader use of the term social welfare is popularly understood as cash or in-kind payments to persons who need support because of physical or mental illness, poverty, age, disability, or other defined circumstances. Often the provider of such support is some form of governmental body, although in many cases, it is a voluntary organization, a church body, an occupational guild, or another nongovernmental group(Chambers, 2004).

Social welfare is a state of human well-being that exists when social problems are managed, when human needs are met and when social opportunities are maximized. National Societies' involvement in social welfare varies from one place to another and from one period to another, depending on needs, circumstances and capacities(Murray, 2006). In essence social welfare must be seen and treated as a continuous and dynamic process, subject to variation in time and place. It should be accordingly continuously adapted to the changes in the socio-political, cultural and economic characteristics of a particular society at any given time. 

Social welfare policy Human Nature

The subject of human nature has recently returned to the center of welfare debate in the world, with prime ministers, politicians, and academics addressing the effects of social policy on individual character and morality(Noble, 1997).

Welfare is often associated with needs, but it goes beyond what people need, to achieve well being, people must have choices, and the scope to choose personal goals and ambitions.

There is scarcely a government in the world that does not recognise the force of these arguments and make some form of collective social provision. The real disputes are not about whether welfare should exist, but about how much provision there should be, and how it should be done(Miroff, Seidelman, Swanstrom, 2002).

Social Welfare Policy can be defined as a clearly articulated statement of the government describing a course of action/s to be implemented in order to achieve set goals and objectives as far as social welfare is concerned. The aim of the Government of the British Virgin Islands is to build a socially cohesive, a thriving community through integrated social and economic policies which seek to strengthen community relations, minimize social tensions, strengthen families, and eradicate poverty. The government provides a wide range of services for the less fortunate and senior members of the society. These include, social security benefits, home care for the aged, children with special problems, as well ...
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