Poem Literary Analysis

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Poem Literary Analysis

Poem Literary Analysis


The requirement of this assignment is to have a comparison of two poems. The similar themes of the poem will be compared and the other elements such as content, form and style will be assessed as well. The two poems that will be compared with each other are Constantly Risking Absurdity (Ferlinghetti) and Because I Could Not Stop for Death (Dickinson). The same theme that is there in the poem is death. However, the context is different and this is the aspect which would be seen in the poem. Therefore, all the issues related to poem literary work will be discussed in detail.


The comparison of the two poems will provide a deeper insight of the issues highlighted in them. In this way, all the contents of the poem will be analyzed in the best possible way. There is a need to discuss some of the elements related to the first poem having a title of Constantly Risking Absurdity (Ferlinghetti). Ferlinghetti's poems certainly possess a strange similarity to alliterative/accentual verse. There are some of the lines of the poem that is double stressed, alliterative, or syllabic. The reason why this author used the style this style was to attract the reader and then stare over humanity from a new height level. He used a strategy of separating lines by just not counting syllables, but with the availability related to the amount of stresses. He had a point that if any person can listen to the audience while watching a high wire act, most of them will not face any problem to notice that the audience is held in suspense because of the theatrics of the performer. The performer keeps on changing position because at some point he gets in a position to fall, and then he tries to get back to his original balance. He tries to takes some of the steps forward and then tries to bend once more. The audience provides a response with their surprised inhalations during the significant talk and makes an attempt to relieve exhalations after a balance is regained at a certain level (Czarniawska, 1999).

It was a feature of Ferlinghetti that he used his strongly stressed line to start with the poems sway. The reader also found this thing very interesting. Then the line slides to the left side of the paper slowly as he calms down the reader with the help of less stressed lines. This is the poems regaining of balance and the readers exhale. He does not have a certain number of syllables, common in syllabics, or a specific amount of primarily stressed and unstressed metrics. The trapeze artist had a complete plan for theatrics, but did not have a task to keep the audience bored with an ordinary content. He had a realization that the hypnotic influence of suspense, keeps the reader in the trapeze artist' shoes. This is the reason why with the help of this context, the reader can then refer ...
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