Pirated Music Downloading

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Pirated Music Downloading

An Analysis of the Influencing Factors to Users Attitude towards Music Downloading in China & United Kingdom

An Analysis of the Influencing Factors to Users Attitude towards Music Downloading in China & United Kingdom


It is said that piracy is a complex phenomenon, and as has multiplied in the last five years, has caused many negative effects on the music industry, as declared AMPROFOM (Mexican Association of Phonogram), which comprises 80% of the major record companies in Mexico, and it states that the main producers are affected EMI MUSIC, SONI BMG, Warner Music, UNIVISION MUSIC and UNIVERSAL.

The association argues that the blame for this crisis is piracy, but according to some media and some people say that journalism dedicated to blame for these losses is nothing more than their own ambition of executives of these companies by not have a more accurate view of what the public likes, coupled with the lack of talent they produce, it appears that they are completely disconnected from the likes of the people, and this is noted in the high growth of the seasons " classical "music or the 70s and 80s (Ballard, 2011).

Based on observations, it was found that the formats are more present demand of Reggaeton, while those who have less demand are the regional Mexican music. For its part, the artists have more demands are Luis Miguel, Shakira, Alejandro Sanz, Tatiana, among others, and Doda, Edyta Gomiak in Poland which generated sales of apocryphal less than 130 million records and an economic loss of about 4000 by 2005 (Chase, Michael, Mulvenon & Hachigian, 2006). Furthermore, it should not let pass the fact that the illegal industry has the support of complex criminal organizations and with the help of other organizations that operate even from within some record companies, such as film critic who was caught selling Pirates movies (Palfrey, Gasser, Simun & Barnes, 2009).

The most critical guy, whose name is Paul Sherman, has recently been accused of selling 100 Screeners. If this guy is found guilty, will have to pay the amount of $ 250,000 and / or three years imprisonment. Among the most typical examples regarding piracy, is undoubtedly the Tepito neighborhood. The Tepito market is mainly having the character expand production cough either smuggled illegal, counterfeit or stolen. Tepito is a black market in every sense of the word which operates the light of day under the eye accomplice / tolerant of the authorities to the delight of the inhabitants of Mexico City.

The chroniclers that the Tepito market existed Aztec times, since before the Spanish apersonaran and seize these lands. The market of Tepito perhaps began offering illegal goods to its customers during the period in which the Mexican government declared a closed virtual Mexican borders to foreign goods during the 1960s and 1970 (Mowen & Minor, 1998). Tepito currently maintains its status commercializing other illegal goods: piracy of MP3 music and weapons. It seems that now the business is selling counterfeit goods, mainly music and movie ...
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