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Pinellas County (Fl) Sheriff's Budget

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Pinellas County (FL) Sheriff's Budget

Pinellas County (FL) Sheriff's Budget


In the accounts of the State, the budget is an accounting document. It is indicating the revenue (taxation) and the output of ' state administration (government spending) for a specific period of time, or the so-called public accounts. It represents a set of financial budgets of all departments, public services, government programs, etc. It identifies the needs to be satisfied at the expense of the public purse, as well as indicate the sources and size of the expected revenue to the government.

State action to establish, review, approval, budget execution, as well as the drafting and approval of the report on its execution (the wording for all budgets included in the budget system of the Russian Federation) said the budget process. Therefore, the following essay is analyzing the general description of budgets, the tools and the methods, the process and in particular, the state budget of Pinellas County (FL) Sheriff.


Pinellas County (FL) Sheriff- Company History

The Pinellas County Sheriff's Office (PCSO is the agency for Pinellas County that is located in Florida, in United States. The company is the primary law enforcement agency that works for the law reinforcement services in the unincorporated areas of the county as well as the contract cities, jail facilities and the courthouse security for Florida's Judicial Circuit.

The company was founded in 1912 by the voter approval of the Pinellas County Sheriff's Department. At the beginning of its establishment, the company was the resemblance of rough and rural nature of the peninsula. It was an appreciating effort by the members of the Pinellas County Sheriff in serving the dedicated and the professional services to all the people belonged to Pinellas County- whether it is in law enforcement, corrections, and court security or in a support staff role.

Before we analyze the budget of the company itself, let's discuss what actually a budget is, what are the tools and methods that are used in budgeting, the budgeting process and the government budgets most importantly.


A plan of action intended to accomplish a target, expressed in values and financial terms that must be met in a given time and under certain conditions specified, this concept applies to every central responsibility of the organization. According to Jorge Burbano (1995), the budget estimate is scheduled, consistently, for the operating conditions and the results to be obtained by an organism in a given period. It also says that the budget is a quantitative expression formal goal you intend to achieve the management of the company in a period, with the adoption of the strategies necessary to achieve them.

Functions of Budgets

The main function of the budget relates to the control of the finance organization.

Budgetary control is the process of finding out what is being done, comparing the results with data corresponding budgeted to verify accomplishments or remedy differences.

Budgets can play both preventive and corrective roles within the organization.

The Budget Process

The budget process tends to reflect in a quantitative manner, through the budget, the objectives set by the ...
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